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-30073   parameter subcode PARAMETER VALUE NOT SUPPORTED ERROR


The specified parameter value is not supported by either the local DB2® or the remote server.

The parameter, is a 2-byte hexadecimal DDM code point. See Open Group Technical Standard, DRDA Version 3 Vol. 3: Distributed Data Management Architecture for a definition of the valid code points. Common values for parameter include:
Usually means that a DB2 server does not support the single-byte coded character set identifier (CCSID) sent by the requester, or a DB2 requester does not support the single-byte CCSID received from a server. See X'119C' for more information.
DRDA servers return this code point when a DB2 client specifies a version for a package and the DRDA server does not support versions.
If the subcode information contains X'01', the requester does not support the single-byte CCSID that the server wants to use. If the subcode information contains X'02', the server does not support the single-byte CCSID that the requester wants to use.

Determine the single-byte CCSIDs for the requester and server systems. The single-byte CCSID for DB2 subsystems is defined in the DSNHDECP module or in a user-supplied application defaults module. One or both partners might be using an incorrect CCSID, or support might need to be added.

DB2 servers can return this code point when a numeric input host variable is not within the range that DB2 supports. See the explanation of SQLCODE -406 for more information.
DB2 servers return this code point when a DRDA client requests an authentication mechanism that is not supported by the DB2 server. See the explanation of DB2 reason code 00D3010E for more information.
Usually means that a requester specified the server location name incorrectly. The server responded by indicating that the requester's specification of the server location name is incorrect, and the length of the location name is longer than that supported by the server. Requester or server changes are needed so the location names are consistent. Location names for DB2 systems are defined in the BSDS DDF record and can also be seen in the DSNL004I console message when DDF is started.
Usually means that the server does not support the use of double quote string delimiters in SQL statements. DB2 COBOL applications can use double quote string delimiters in SQL statements. This requires that the program be precompiled with the SQLDELIM(QUOTESQL) option. If the server product does not support double quote SQL statement string delimiters, then the program must be modified to use single quote SQL string delimiters and be precompiled with the SQLDELIM(APOSTSQL) option.
Usually means that the there is a semantic error with the string that specifies the character used as a decimal delimiter in SQL statements.
Means that the server was processing a bind or rebind command that specified an unsupported value for the DYNAMICRULES bind parameter. If the server is a DB2 Version 3 system, specify DYNAMICRULES(RUN) or omit the DYNAMICRULES parameter.

The 'subcode', which is a 2-byte hexadecimal number, consists of two distinct parts and can optionally be zero. The high-order byte (when not zero) indicates the site at which the error was detected. If the error was detected by the local DB2, it is X'01'. If the error was detected by the remote server, it is X'02'. The low-order byte is always zero.

System action

The command or SQL statement is rejected. A disconnect occurred.

Programmer response

The connection to the server was broken, and the server rolled back the unit of work. The only SQL statement that can be successfully executed is ROLLBACK. However, if the requester detects this error on a COMMIT, then it is unknown whether the unit of work was committed or rolled back at the server.



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