Choosing EXPLAIN and tuning options

In the tuning task creator dialog, you can reconfigure the default set of EXPLAIN and tuning options.

In the Select tuning activities to run window, you can define the tuning task name and description.

EXPLAIN options

Expand this section to set values for Db2® special registers (EXPLAIN options), used by Db2 to create an access plan.

Select the check box Collect actual execution values to use in access plan tools, if the statement is a SELECT statement to create a single-query tuning task.

A special register is a storage area that is defined for an application process by the database manager. It is used to store information that can be referenced in SQL statements. A reference to a special register is a reference to a value provided by the current server.

Refer to the Special registers topic for detailed descriptions of each special register.

Tuning options

Click the check box to the left of each tuning option you wish to implement.
  • Format and annotate the statement
  • Generate access plan graph
  • Recommend RUNSTATS commands
  • Recommend new indexes