Installing Cygwin on a Windows server

The following instructions for installing Cygwin are provided for your convenience and to ensure that your Cygwin environment works correctly with the IBM® Db2® Data Management Console.

About this task

These instructions are based on Cygwin 1.5.25-15. Over time, changes occur that might make these instructions inaccurate. For the most current instructions for installing Cygwin, see the official documentation for Cygwin at


To install Cygwin, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Install or update now, and click Run when you are prompted to run or save the file.
  3. On the Cygwin Net Release Setup Program dialog, click Next.
    Note: Choosing a different installation directory can result in the Cygwin environment not working correctly with Db2 Data Management Console.
  4. Specify C:\wincing as the directory into which to install Cygwin, and click Next.
  5. Optional: Select a directory into which to store the downloaded installation files, and click Next.
  6. Select an ftp download site, and click Next. The Select Packages list is displayed.
  7. Select the packages to include in your installation. The Base package is included by default. In addition to the Base package, select the following packages to include:
    1. Expand the Admin category, and click the icon for cygrunsrv: NT/W2K service initiator.
    2. Expand the Net category, and click the icon for openssh. When you select openssh, openssl is automatically selected.
    3. Click Next.

    The package files are downloaded and stored in the specified directory. When the downloading is complete, Cygwin is installed.

What to do next

After Cygwin is installed, you must configure CYGWIN sshd to run as an automatic service, and then you must start the service.