Resolving transaction log for the database is full error
Resolving transaction log for the database is full error.
You get the following error
Exception "The transaction log for the database is full.. SQLCODE=-964, SQLSTATE=57011, DRIVER=4.27.25"
The tables in the repository database might contain LOB columns that are defined as LOGGED. Inserting, deleting, or updating data into these tables, generates large quantities of transaction log files causing the -964 error message "The transaction log for the database is full" to be displayed.
To confirm the cause, go to /dsutil/bin/ and run the following command:
./ -c checkLoggedColumns --external
If the command result is empty, there might be some other issue causing the -964 error. Contact IBM® support for help.
If the query result is "Some tables in the repository database contain LOB columns with
attribute LOGGED...
", then refer to the "Resolving the problem" section in this topic.
Resolving the problem
To resolve this issue, change the LOB columns to NOT LOGGED in the repository database.
- Stop the Db2® Data Management Console.
- Go to /dsutil/bin/
- Run the following command:
If you encounter any error, contact IBM support../ -c executeALTOBJ --external