Setting up high availability with Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms
You can set up high availability (HA) environment with multiple nodes to enable the server to fail over to the offline node if the online node is down. This section describes how to build the Db2® Data Management Console (DMC) high availability environment based on IBM® Tivoli® System Automation for Multiplatforms (Tivoli SA MP) on Linux® system cluster with Red Hat® 8.3.
In this configuration example, there are two nodes: primary (online mode) and secondary (offline node). DMC and Tivoli SA MP are installed on both the nodes. Ensure to connect both the DMC servers to the same repository database REPODB that is hosted by a Db2 server. The repository database can be hosted anywhere including on one of the two nodes, but it is recommended to host it on another independent node. Only one of the DMC servers is up (online) at a time. Tivoli SA MP monitors the status of the online DMC server and when it detects the DMC is down, it attempts to bring that DMC up. If startup fails, Tivoli SA MP switches (fail over) to the other node and brings up DMC server on that node.
Hostname | External IP | Set up role |
dmc-1 | | Primary |
dmc-2 | | Secondary | | Virtual IP |
The following diagram shows the IBM Db2 Data Management Console HA structure.
A virtual IP that is controlled by Tivoli SA MP is required to be used as a floating IP to one of the two server nodes. To simplify the setup, the virtual IP must be in the same subnet as the other two nodes. Also, this virtual IP address is used as the login URL to access DMC.