Replication sets in a monitoring group

After a monitoring group is created, it appears in the Replication landing page.

To manage the replication monitoring group, click the monitoring group name.

The Monitor replication sets within group page opens. The columns available on this page are shown in the following table.

Column name Description
Consistency group name

The consistency group name.

Source alias.schema

The capture server alias and schema.

Target alias.schema

The apply server alias and schema.

Replication status

The overall consistency group status on the capture and apply servers.


Latency is the average time per transaction between commit at the source by the application and commits at the target by the replication process.


Throughput is the number of insert, update, and delete operations per second that were applied to the target for all the tables in the consistency group.

Total Tables

The total table subscription in the consistency group.

Table subscription status

The summary status of the subscribed tables in the consistency group.

Consistency point

The sync time between the capture and the apply. This time comes from the apply and is converted on the local browser time zone. Tooltip displays the Coordinated Universal Time.

Replication set name Group of related consistency groups.
Source host

Capture hostname.

Source database

Capture database.

Source port

Capture database external port number.

Target host

Apply hostname.

Target database

Apply database.

Target port

Apply database external port number.

You can also filter replication sets (consistency groups) based on the number of tables and the overall status of the consistency group. For example, you can filter all the inactive replication sets with 1000+ tables. You can reset filters by using the reset filters button.