Upgrade by using script method

This task is about upgrading the Db2® Data Management Console to the latest version by using script installer.


  1. Download the Db2 Data Management Console for your platform.
  2. Stop the Db2 Data Management Console server.
    Note: If Db2 Data Management Console runs on a Windows platform, run <installdirectory>/bin/stop.bat. Otherwise, run <installdirectory>/bin/stop.sh.
  3. Run the status script to verify that the server has stopped.
    If Db2 Data Management Console runs on a Windows platform, run <installdirectory>/bin/status.bat. Otherwise, run <installdirectory>/bin/status.sh
    Note: Back up the old Db2 Data Management Console installation directory before upgrading. Also, if you have customized any of the scripts in your existing <installdirectory>/bin folder, you will need to make a backup of these files before proceeding with the upgrade, as the upgrade process will overwrite your changes. Once the upgrade is complete, you can migrate your changes over to the newly created versions.
  4. Extract the contents of the Db2 Data Management Console package into the previous install directory. Allow the files to be overwritten and replaced.
    • On a Windows platform, if the previous version of Db2 Data Management Console is installed under C:\IBM\ibm-datamgmtconsole-3.1.x-win\ibm-datamgmtconsole folder (this folder contains Config, wlp and other folders), then right click on the downloaded installation package and click Extract all.

      Specify the folder location as C:\IBM\ibm-datamgmtconsole-3.1.x-win and click Extract.

      When extraction is complete, you can view the Config and Config_tmp folders under C:\IBM\ibm-datamgmtconsole-3.1.x-win\ibm-datamgmtconsole folder.

    • On all other platforms, if the previous version of Db2 Data Management Console is installed under /opt/ibm/ibm-datamgmtconsole folder, then the new version of Db2 Data Management Console is downloaded in folder located at /opt/ibm/3.1.x-ibm-datamgtconsole-linux.tgz Run the following script to extract the package:
      tar xvf 3.1.x-ibm-datamgtconsole-linux.tgz -C /opt/ibm
      When extraction is complete, you can view the Config and Config_tmp folders under /opt/ibm/ibm-datamgmtconsole folder.
  5. Run the setup script and complete the upgrade process:
    1. From the install directory, run the setup script.
      On a Windows platform, run <installdirectory>/setup.bat. On all other platforms, run <installdirectory>/setup.sh
    2. License Agreement: Read the contents of license agreement. If you accept the terms, enter '1' to continue.


When the upgrade is complete, your Db2 Data Management Console server is ready for use.
Note: During the upgrade process, a backup folder containing the configuration files (such as config, wlp and logs) is created in the following path: <installdirectory>/backup. The format of each folder in the backup directory is <release_no>_<timestamp>. The backup folder stores only limited number of files for a given time period. If you have any file that is customized or configured, you can retrieve the configuration file from the backup folder according to your need.