Upgrade by using GUI method

This task is about upgrading the Db2 Data Management Console to the latest version by using GUI installer.

Before you begin

Find out the installation directory of the IBM® Db2® Data Management Console:

Windows: Right-click the IBM Db2 Data Management Console from the icon on the desktop. Select 'Open file location' to find the installation directory.

Linux®: The install directory is the location where you unpacked the installation package.

Mac: In the Applications folder, right-click on IBM Db2 Data Management Console and select 'Show Package Contents' to find the installation directory.


  1. Stop the older version of the IBM Db2 Data Management Console server.

    Windows: Double-click on IBM Db2 Data Management Console from the Start menu or the icon on the desktop. Select the 'Stop Console' option to stop the server.

    Linux: Run ./ibm-db2-data-management-console from the ibm-db2-data-management-console directory. Select the Stop Console option to stop the server.

    Mac: In the Applications folder, double-click on the entry for IBM Db2 Data Management Console to launch the UI installer.  Select the Stop Console option to stop the server.

  2. Back up the files in the installation directory of the old IBM Db2 Data Management Console to the new <backup_dir> folder.
  3. Uninstall the old IBM Db2 Data Management Console.
  4. Download and install the latest version of IBM Db2 Data Management Console.
    Note: For instructions about how to install the product, see Running the setting up program in the product documentation.
  5. Configure the settings of the repository database similar to the repository database settings of the previous version of IBM Db2 Data Management Console.
    1. Log into IBM Db2 Data Management Console as an administrator.
    2. From the Home page, go to Administration > Settings > Repository.
    3. In the Repository page, enter the connection parameters for your repository database, along with the credentials of the repository database owner created by the customized create.sql script.
    4. Click Save.
  6. Optional: Migrate the following configurations from the previous version of IBM Db2 Data Management Console to the new version: SMTP, SNMP, CA certificates, admin user, server port, JVM configurations, etc.
    Note: After the upgrade, users and ports will revert to the configuration in the old IBM Db2 Data Management Console.
    1. Stop the new version of the IBM Db2 Data Management Console server.
    2. Run the upgrade script in the installation directory of the new IBM Db2 Data Management Console:
      • Windows: Go to <install_directory>\resources\bin\bin and run upgrade.bat
      • Linux: Go to <install_directory>/resources/bin/bin and run upgrade.sh
      • Mac: Go to <install_directory>/Contents/Resources/bin/bin and run upgrade.sh
  7. Remove the back-up folder of the old installation.