Define relationship and dependencies between the resources on the primary
About this task
Relationship describes how resources work together. For example, the application resource
depends on the service IP to be online which means the floating IP has to be on that node for the Db2® Data Management Console server to be started.
- Define the dependencies between the resources on the primary node (root authority
[root@dmc-1 ~]# mkrel -p DependsOn -S IBM.Application:dmc -G IBM.ServiceIP:dmcIP dmc_dependson_dmcIP
[root@dmc-1 ~]# mkrel -p DependsOn -S IBM.ServiceIP:dmcIP -G IBM.Equivalency:netequ dmcIP_dependson_netequ
[root@dmc-1 ~]# lsrel

- Start the resource group on the primary node (root authority needed):
[root@dmc-1 ~]# chrg -o online dmcrg
[root@dmc-1 ~]# lssam -V

The resource group status shows which server is online. The nominal state is the desired state of the resource and can be changed so that Tivoli® SA MP will bring a resource online or shut it down. The dmc
application is dependent on the service IP which is dependent on the
network interface.