Db2 pureScale historical monitoring

IBM® Db2® Data Management console is equipped to monitor pureScale® clustered configurations.

For pureScale members connection, the historical monitoring settings and collection are almost same with normal database, so you can refer to Setting up historical monitoringIn addition, to better support pureScale database, there are some special features provide:

Db2 pureScale group connection support in Home page

The 'Home' page provides the monitoring data of all the database connections. The monitoring data is grouped by 'Connection name' by default. To view the monitoring data by pureScale connections, click the group by drop-down list, and change the grouping mode to 'High availability cluster'. The connections will be divided into cluster group and non-cluster group.

Db2 pureScale member monitoring: If historical monitoring is turned on for pureScale members and if relevant pureScale alerts are configured, then the 'Home' page will display the latest monitoring data for each member, including the member status, open alerts, CPU, memory, rows read and more. However, this monitoring data is displayed only at the cluster level. To view the data for individual members in the cluster, click on the connection name link. The 'Home' page redirects to the 'Monitor summary' page.

Db2 pureScale member monitoring metrics

If your connection is a Db2 pureScale member, in addition to the monitoring metrics supported for a normal database the following pureScale related metrics are supported:
  • Db2 pureScale status
  • Db2 pureScale member performance
  • Db2 pureScale CF summary

Db2 pureScale event monitoring support

There are four types of event monitors namely Activity, Utility, Locking, and Statistics that can be configured for every connection. But for a Db2 pureScale group, all members in the group can share only one type of event monitor. In other words, if an event monitor is set up on one of the members in a pureScale group, then all the members in the group share this type of event monitor. There is no need to set up an event monitor for every member in the group. Similarly, if the event monitor profile is edited in one of the member connection, the changes are applied to all the members in that pureScale connection. For more information, refer to Monitoring events.