
Use the following information to diagnose and resolve common problems.

Known issues and limitations in this release

  • The process of creating a new monitor profile and deleting an existing monitor profile can take several minutes. These processes run in the background, and you are not notified when these processes complete. To determine when the processes complete, refresh the monitor profile list to verify that your changes have been made.
  • When you delete a monitor profile, entries for the deleted profile are not deleted from the DB2PM.PE_SETUP table. This limitation has no effect on the usability or performance of Extended Insight.
  • When you navigate to the Summary page under the Monitor drop-down menu, an internal error occurs and the page is not loaded.
  • The average time that database transactions spend in the data server is a small value. In the Extended Insight dashboard, the value is rounded and is displayed as 0 (under the Avg server time (ms) column).
  • In the Extended Insight dashboard, the hover text for the bar charts under the Response time dist % column is not formatted with the light blue color that indicates Data server time.
  • After deleting an existing monitoring profile and creating a new monitoring profile for Db2® for z/OS®, the following error message might appear:

    Error: Data Management Console was unable to create an Extended Insight monitor profile for the connection. Check the log file (EIDb2zLogger.txt) for error details.

    To remove the error message and try again, log out of Db2 Data Management Console and log back in.
  • After creating a monitoring profile and restarting the InfoSphere® Optim™ Performance Manager server, collection of Extended Insight data and SQL statement data might be disabled for the monitoring profile. To enable the data collection, complete the following steps:
    1. If you are on Db2 Data Management Console V3.1.3, go to Settings > Monitoring profile. If you are on Db2 Data Management Console V3.1.5, complete the following steps to go to the Monitoring profile window:
      1. Click the upper-left icon with four bars to expand the side menu.
      2. In the side menu, click Administration.
      3. Go to the Monitoring profile tab.
    2. In the Monitoring profile window, go to the Db2 for z/OS tab.
    3. Click the three dots to the right of the creation date of the monitoring profile and select Edit in the drop-down menu.
    4. Go to the Monitor settings tab.
    5. Turn the Collect Extended Insight data and Collect SQL statement data toggles on.
    6. Click Save.
  • In the SQL Statements dashboard, the Server execution tab does not display any charts under Avg. wait/CPU times and Avg. wait times if the data is not available.

Installation problems

An unrecoverable application error occurs when you attempt to install InfoSphere Optim Performance Manager on Windows
This error is likely caused by an incorrect compatibility mode for the IOPM.server.v5.3.1.0.install-on-win64 installation file. Complete the instructions in Windows only: Updating the compatibility mode for the InfoSphere Optim Performance Manager installation file and try again.