Setting up event monitor profile
You can use IBM® Db2® Data Management Console to monitor specific event types that occur on a connected database. Each database has its own event monitor profile. But for a HADR database, event monitor profile is configured only for the primary database. For a pureScale® database, even though each member has its own event monitor profile, all the members share purScale group's event monitor setting.
To set up an event monitor profile for your database connection:
- Log in to web console.
- Click Administration and select Event monitor
profile. The Event monitor profile page displays the top 20 databases based on table space usage. The databases table displays the list of databases and expanding a connection name, displays all the event monitors that are created for these database connections.Depending on the event monitor profile setting, the status of event monitors (Activity, Locking, Utility, and Statistics) is displayed as Enabled or Disabled.
- "Enabled" indicates that this type of event monitor is enabled. Event monitoring data collection is running smoothly.
- "Unavailable" indicates that this type of event monitor is disabled.
Note: Event monitor function impacts the performance for Db2WHoC & DB2oC databases. Therefore, do not modify any event monitor setting in the console for these connections to avoid performance issues. - To delete an event monitor, select the event monitor that is created by the console.
The option to delete the event monitors displays.Note: You can delete only the event monitors that are created by the console.
- Click the Edit icon on the database name. The Event monitor profile configuration for the selected database displays.
- Select an option and enter the details.
Option Description Tablespace usage Displays the current table space usage for the event monitors on the database. If the table space is not defined, click Define a tablespace. In the Define a tablespace window, select the option to create a new table space (the default storage size is 2 GB) or an existing table space.
To increase or decrease the table space usage size, click Scale. In the Scale tablespace window, use the slider to specify the new value for table space size and click Scale.
To change the table space, click Edit. In the Edit tablespace window, select the option to create a new table space or an existing table space, and click Save.
Deactivation threshold helps to protect the database. When the table space utilization exceeds the deactivation threshold, all the event monitors are disabled automatically until the current table space is scaled or changed to another table space. You can adjust the threshold value as needed.
Activity event monitor - The activity event monitor captures data that helps you understand the performance and behavior of statements.
Option Description Status - "Enabled" indicates that this type of event monitor is enabled.
- "Disabled" indicates that this type of event monitor is disabled.
Collection interval (minutes) Specifies the collect duration. The default value is 5. Data retention (days) Specifies the collect duration. The default value is 28. Capture in-progress activity when possible For activity event monitor, you can set this option to ON to enable the activity event monitor to collect not only the finished queries, but also the in-progress queries. The default value is ON. Use administrative task scheduler (ATS) The Administrative Task Scheduler automates tasks to maintain the performance of your database. For this setting, the console checks the ATS prerequisites on the monitored database.Note: To enable the Administrative Task Scheduler, the SYSTOOLSPACE table space must be created in the database if it does not exist. Privileges for the ADMIN_TASK_UPDATE and ADMIN_TASK_REMOVE stored procedures are granted to the user ID that connects to the monitored database. When the Administrative Task Scheduler is enabled, the Db2 registry variable DB2_ATS_ENABLE is set to 1.Workload table For activity event monitor and statistics event monitor, the table lists all relevant workloads. You can enable, disable, and customize the workload settings. Locking event monitor - The locking event monitor captures descriptive information about lock events at the time that they occur.
Option Description Status - "Enabled" indicates that this type of event monitor is enabled.
- "Disabled" indicates that this type of event monitor is disabled.
Collection interval (minutes) Specifies the collect duration. The default value is 5. Data retention (days) Specifies the collect duration. The default value is 28. Lock wait threshold (microseconds) For locking event monitor, you can specify this option to set the locking event monitor to record locks that are locked longer than the threshold value. The default value is 30000000. Use administrative task scheduler (ATS) The Administrative Task Scheduler automates tasks to maintain the performance of your database. For this setting, the console checks the ATS prerequisites on the monitored database.Note: To enable the Administrative Task Scheduler, the SYSTOOLSPACE table space must be created in the database if it does not exist. Privileges for the ADMIN_TASK_UPDATE and ADMIN_TASK_REMOVE stored procedures are granted to the user ID that connects to the monitored database. When the Administrative Task Scheduler is enabled, the Db2 registry variable DB2_ATS_ENABLE is set to 1.Utility event monitor - The utility event monitor captures a number of events that are related to the execution of utilities.
Option Description Status - "Enabled" indicates that this type of event monitor is enabled.
- "Disabled" indicates that this type of event monitor is disabled.
Collection interval (minutes) Specifies the collect duration. The default value is 5. Data retention (days) Specifies the collect duration. The default value is 28. Utility types For Utility event monitor, use this option to select the utility types. The following utilities are available: - BACKUP
Use administrative task scheduler (ATS) The Administrative Task Scheduler automates tasks to maintain the performance of your database. For this setting, the console checks the ATS prerequisites on the monitored database.Note: To enable the Administrative Task Scheduler, the SYSTOOLSPACE table space must be created in the database if it does not exist. Privileges for the ADMIN_TASK_UPDATE and ADMIN_TASK_REMOVE stored procedures are granted to the user ID that connects to the monitored database. When the Administrative Task Scheduler is enabled, the Db2 registry variable DB2_ATS_ENABLE is set to 1.Statistics event monitor - The statistics event monitor captures data that can be used to measure different aspects of system operation.
Option Description Status - "Enabled" indicates that this type of event monitor is enabled.
- "Disabled" indicates that this type of event monitor is disabled.
Collection interval (minutes) Specifies the collect duration. The default value is 5. Data retention (days) Specifies the collect duration. The default value is 28. Use Administrative Task Scheduler (ATS) The Administrative Task Scheduler automates tasks to maintain the performance of your database. For this setting, the console checks the ATS prerequisites on the monitored database.Note: To enable the Administrative Task Scheduler, the SYSTOOLSPACE table space must be created in the database if it does not exist. Privileges for the ADMIN_TASK_UPDATE and ADMIN_TASK_REMOVE stored procedures are granted to the user ID that connects to the monitored database. When the Administrative Task Scheduler is enabled, the Db2 registry variable DB2_ATS_ENABLE is set to 1.Workload table For activity event monitor and statistics event monitor, the table lists all relevant workloads. You can enable, disable, and, customize the workload settings. Note: When the statistics event monitor is enabled, the console will reset the statistics of the database using the WLM_COLLECT_STATS at each collection point. The default collection interval is 5 minutes. Therefore, the console will issue WLM_COLLECT_STATS every 5 minutes to reset the statistics, and collect it to the repository tables. But, if a user defines a statistics event monitor and uses WLM_COLLECT_INT to reset statistics, it might conflict with the console's statistics event monitor. It is therefore suggested to disable the user defined statistics event monitor, and use only the console's statistics event monitor to enable the console to collect and save all the historical statistics event monitor data to the repository table. - Click Save.