Upgrade restrictions

Before you start to upgrade to IBM® Db2® Data Management Console, you must understand the restrictions of upgrade process.

  • Only Db2 (formerly DB2® for Linux®, UNIX and Windows) is supported when upgrading to IBM Db2 Data Management Console. Db2 for z/OS® is not supported.
  • Only Db2 version 11.1 and later is supported when upgrading to IBM Db2 Data Management Console. If the version of your repository database is earlier than v11.1, you must first upgrade your repository database.
  • The original IBM Data Server Manager product and the newly installed IBM Db2 Data Management Console product can both be available after upgrading is completed. However, if you want to keep the former product alive, you must modify the setup configuration before upgrading to make sure port conflict does not happen. And to avoid double monitoring of databases by two products, the monitoring feature of IBM Db2 Data Management Console would be turned off after upgrading.
  • This upgrade process is a one-time operation, which means only data already stored in repository before the operation is migrated to IBM Db2 Data Management Console. After upgrading, no data will be automatically synchronized between IBM Data Server Manager and IBM Db2 Data Management Console, even if both of the products are available.
  • When upgrading to IBM Db2 Data Management Console, only the data used by the new product in the repository will be migrated, and the data used by discontinued functionalities will not be migrated. However, some of these functionalities might be available in future releases of IBM Db2 Data Management Console. The original data used by IBM Data Server Manager in repository database must be kept for possible upgrading in future, unless you do not need them any more.
  • After upgrading to IBM Db2 Data Management Console, only connection profiles of Db2 (formerly DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows) will be available, because currently only Db2 databases are supported.
  • After upgrading to IBM Db2 Data Management Console, user saved operational credentials of connection profiles will become invalid because they are not migrated in the repository database. It is because the authentication systems of both the products are totally different and user related data is not automatically migrated. Users can input and save the credentials again in IBM Db2 Data Management Console.
  • After upgrading to IBM Db2 Data Management Console, all alert data will be migrated. However, some of the existing alerts of some connection profiles might have issues, for example, missing some messages, because some of the alert types are currently not supported.
  • After upgrading to IBM Db2 Data Management Console, not all monitor data will be migrated. For example, in "PackageCache", IBM Data Server Manager stores calculated/delta data, whereas IBM Db2 Data Management Console stores original data, so the "PackageCache" repo data will not be migrated from Data Server Manager to IBM Db2 Data Management Console. If you perform lightweight migration only the basic data (excluding the historical monitor data) from IBM Data Server Manager will be migrated. Lightweight migration requires another repository database. If you perform full migration, you can refer to the following table to get information on whether the monitoring data will be migrated or not to IBM Db2 Data Management Console.
    Table 1.
    Metrics Migrated (Y) / Not Migrated (N) / (N/A)
    Summary (Responsiveness, Throughput, Resource Usage, Contention, and Time Spent) N/A
    Connections/Connection Statistics Y
    Inflight Statements N
    Table Storage N
    Table Performance N
    Package Cache N
    WLM Workload Summary Y
    WLM Services Class Summary Y
    Overview - Database/Workloads Y
    Overview - Database Partitions Y
    Individual Execution Y
    Locked Objects with Waiting Connections N/A
    Units of work N
    Member Summary(partition_summary) Y
    Stored Procedures N/A
    Top Consumers N
    Connection Summary Y
    Operating System Time Spent Y
    Partition Skew Y
    Locking Event Monitor Y
    Note: 'Locking Event Monitor' data only from a single-member database will be migrated.
    Buffer Pools Y
    Utilities Event Monitor Y
    Connection lock statistics Y
    Utilities N/A
    Find Locked Objects N/A