Creating blackouts

You can use IBM® Db2® Data Management Console to create blackouts for blocking a database connection or disabling some of the functions such as monitoring and alerting.

About this task

There are three types of blackout:
  • Full blackout - Disconnects databases from console.
  • Monitor and alert blackout - Pauses monitoring and alerts for databases. The monitor does not collect metric data and the alert are not generated.
  • Alert blackout - Pauses only alerts for databases. The alerts are not generated.

The blackout event can be performed and released by the blackout job.

For HADR and pureScale® connections, to blackout the whole HADR or pureScale connection profile, you need to trigger the blackout event against each member.

Note: When migrating blackouts from Data Server Manager to Db2 data Management console, the weekly and every day scheduled blackout job can be migrated successfully. Similarly, blackout jobs that are scheduled for one month and one day can be migrated successfully. All other blackout job schedules are not supported. After migration, you can check the log details to verify whether the blackouts were successfully migrated. Check the job log file located in ibm-datamgmtconsole/addons/job-scheduler/logs/nohup.out. If you find a log similar to time="2021-05-28T09:20:40Z" level=info comp=JobScheduler msg="the job BlackoutEvent_1 migrated from DSM has a not compatible schedule format 41 5 3 3,4 ?" in the log file, then it means all the blackout job data is migrated to Db2 Data Management Console repository database. But these blackout jobs are not displayed in UI because they are not supported in Db2 Data Management Console.


To create a blackout period:

  1. Log in to web console.
  2. Click Administration and go to Blackouts.
  3. Click Configure blackout.
    The Configure and schedule blackout page is displayed.
  4. Enter the name of the blackout to be created.
  5. Optional: Enter description of the blackout.
  6. Select the Type of blackout.
    • Full blackout - Disconnect databases from console.
    • Partial blackout - Pause monitoring and alerts for databases or Pause only alerts for databases.

    If the full blackout event and partial blackout event (monitor and alert blackout event or alert blackout event) are enabled for the same time period, then the full blackout event works. If the monitor and alert blackout event and alert blackout event are enabled for the same time period, then the monitor and alert event works.

  7. Select one or more databases to apply the blackout period.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Select the schedule type and provide the start date, end date, duration, and other details.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Review the blackout job details and click Finish.
    The blackout is listed in the Active tab.
  12. To update the blackout job, click the checkbox in front of the blackout name in the Active tab and do one of the following:
    • To modify blackout settings, click Edit.
    • To trigger the blackout job manually, click Run.
    • To pause the scheduled instances of the blackout, click Pause schedule.
    • To delete one or more blackouts, click the check boxes in front of the blackout name to select the blackout and click Delete.
  13. In History page, you can stop running the blackout and delete history records of blackout jobs with status completed or failed.