Upgrading on the same server

This task is about upgrading IBM® Data Server Manager to IBM Db2® Data Management Console on the same Linux® or Windows server. The upgrade is included as optional steps of setup processes of IBM Db2 Data Management Console.


  1. Download the installation package of IBM Db2 Data Management Console for your platform to the server where IBM Data Server Manager was originally installed.
  2. Unzip the downloaded product package on the server.
    • Do not extract the files directly into the installation folder of IBM Data Server Manger and overwrite the original files. Place them in a different folder.
    • Please be careful with space characters when choosing the installation folder. The full path of IBM Db2 Data Management Console directory must not contain any space.
  3. Customize the installation parameters of IBM Db2 Data Management Console.

    IBM Db2 Data Management Console will create a new set of tables in the repository database. You can customize the names of BUFFERPOOL and TABLESPACE before the upgrade process. (If you do not want to customize, the default values of BP4CONSOLE and TS4CONSOLE will be used). Find the file dswebserver.properties under the folder Config_tmp. Modify the properties bp4console_DB2LUW and ts4console_DB2LUW in the file. The page size of these properties is 32K.

  4. If upgrading using scripts installation, follow the below steps:
    1. Navigate to the installation directory of IBM Db2 Data Management Console. Start the setup process by running the 'setup' script.
    2. Select the upgrade option and confirm.

      Please input '2' and press 'Enter' if you want to perform the upgrade. Then press 'Enter' to confirm the selection.

    3. Input the path of installation directory of IBM Data Server Manager.

      This path can be a full absolute path or a relative path to current path. If you have multiple IBM Data Server Manager products installed on this server, you must only input one path which you want to upgrade. If your IBM Data Server Manager service is running, detect it and give its path as a hint in the message. Otherwise you need to find the path by yourself. You will be asked to stop IBM Data Server Manager, if it is running.

    4. Choose a data migration option:
      • Option 1- Full migration: To migrate all the data from IBM Data Server Manager.
        Note: Changing repository is not allowed (default).

        If you selected to option 1, confirm that you have backed up your repository database. Please input 'Y' if you want to proceed.

      • Option 2- Lightweight migration: To migrate only the basic data (excluding historical monitoring data) from IBM Data Server Manager.
        Note: Another repository database is required.

        If you selected to option 2, follow the prompts to enter the database information such as host, port, database, user name and password. It will be used as the repository details for IBM Db2 Data Management Console.

    5. To avoid duplicate monitoring of target databases, select one of the following options:
      • Option 1-Disable Data collection
        Note: All target databases migrated from IBM Data Server Manager will not be initially monitored (default).
      • Option 2- Continue with original setting
    6. A summary of this upgrade process will be displayed.
    7. License Agreement. Please carefully read the license agreement. If you accept the agreement, enter '1' to continue.
    8. Create a setup administrator account for IBM Db2 Data Management Console. Input a user ID and password for this setup administrator account. Then confirm the password again. This setup administrator account will be leveraged to verify the setup and complete the initial authentication configuration. When authentication configuration is done, this account will be disabled.
    9. Choose if you want to start the service of IBM Db2 Data Management Console.

      Make sure there would be no port conflict if you want to start the service. You can manually start the service with the script file ./bin/startup.sh.

      If you want to perform user migration and connection profile user privilege migration later, the service must be started.

  5. If upgrading using UI installation, follow the below steps:
    1. Windows: Double-click on IBM Db2 Data Management Console from the Start menu or the icon on the desktop.

      Linux: Launch a terminal window and go to the directory in which you extracted the tar.gz file. Run ./ibm-db2-data-management-console from the ibm-db2-data-management-console directory.

    2. Respond to the setup program prompts:
      License agreement
      Select to indicate that you have read the license text and that you accept its terms. Click Continue to go the next page.
      Option selection
      Select the option "Upgrade the existing IBM Data Server Manager to IBM Db2 Data Management Console". Click Continue to go the next page.
      DSM path
      Choose the DSM path from the drop-down menu. If DSM is running, select the path from the displayed list or enter the path manually. Click Continue to go to the next page.
      • Choose Use existing database to perform full migration for migrating migrate data into new schema or Use new database to perform lightweight migration. For more details, refer to Upgrade essentials.
      • Backup confirmation: Click Yes to confirm backing up of the repository.
      • Enabling Data collection: Click Yes to enable data collection on IBM Db2 Data Management Console.
      • Migration status: At this point migration will be completed. Click Continue to go the next page.
      The user ID that is specific to the product and is independent of operating system user IDs. Click Continue to go the next page.
      The installer will configure IBM Db2 Data Management Console with the entered values and displays the output in the window. The Continue button will be enabled once the installation is complete.
      The last page that displays the URLs of the IBM Db2 Data Management Console. Click on the URL to open the application in a new browser window. Bookmark the URLs to access IBM Db2 Data Management Console later.