Migrating jobs

This task is about migrating jobs from IBM® Data Server Manager to Db2® Data Management Console.

Before you begin

  1. Ensure to complete the upgrade process. For more information, see Upgrading on the same server.
  2. Log in to the console, go to Administration and select Connection Profile.
  3. Edit the connection profiles for your jobs, and set the shared credential to enable the migrated jobs go through the database authentication and run with the schedule.
  4. (Optional) Check the log details of this migration. The log file nohup.out is located under logs folder of <DMC_install_DIR>/addons/job-scheduler directory.
  5. Verify whether the jobs were successfully migrated.

About this task

The job migration is contained in the migration process of setting up the Db2 Data Management Console. It also provides a post-migration script, which can migrate the jobs manually.
  • The job definitions, schedules, chains, and email notification settings data can be migrated.
  • The job execution history dates are abandoned.
  • The migrated job types include SQL Only Script Job, DB2® CLP Script Job, and Executable/Shell Script Job.
All the migrated jobs use the connection profile shared credentials as the default option to execute, so it is required to set up the target connection profile's shared credential for making the job schedule work as expected.


To migrate jobs in IBM Data Server Manager to Db2 Data Management Console:

  1. Find the installation directory of IBM Db2 Data Management Console. Navigate to the utility folder.
    cd ./dsmmigscripts
  2. Run the job migration script or batch file for your respective platform.
    Note: The job migration script will stop the job server first, then migrate the prepared DSM jobs, and at last start the job server.
  3. (Optional) Check the log details of this migration. The log file nohup.out is located under logs folder of <DMC_install_DIR>/addons/job-scheduler directory.
  4. Verify whether the jobs were successfully migrated.
    • If a Data Server Manager job has multiple schedules when migration is completed, multiple jobs will be generated in the Db2 Data Management Console to correspond to multiple schedules.
    • If a Data Server Manager job has multiple email notification settings, only the first email notification setting is retained in the Db2 Data Management Console after the migration is completed.
    • If a job chain is defined by Data Server Manager, and a node triggers its parent node, the definition of the chain is not migrated.
    • If a job chain data in Data Server Manager contains report, storage monitor and CM job, then this kind of chain data is not migrated.
    • If the end nodes are defined for some of the nodes in the job chain in Data Server Manager, then after migration, Db2 Data Management Console places these end nodes at the end of the chain for execution.