Pruning blackouts

The IBM® Db2® Data Management Console scans the blackout data periodically in the background and prunes data history using the pruning algorithm.

About this task

The pruning function provides four types of configuration for pruning the blackout. You can enable the pruning setting for the job, job chain, blackout, and report history data at the same time. The console scans the data in the background by order and does pruning.
Note: Db2 Data Management Console administrator can view and set data pruning but a database administrator can only view and cannot set data pruning.

This topic explains how to prune blackout data.


  1. Click Administration and go to Blackouts.
  2. Click the gear icon to open the Blackout execution record pruning dialog. The default pruning selection is Prune by status.
  3. Select Prune by status, if you want to prune job data based on job execution status.
    • Keep succeed blackout records can keep 7 days of succeeded blackout records by default.
    • Keep failed blackout records can keep 30 days of failed blackout records by default.
    • The data pruning success blackout reports include the reports with Success, Stopping, or Warning status.
    • The data pruning failed blackout reports include the reports with Error status.
    • All other reports cannot be pruned. For example, reports with Running status.
  4. Select Prune by schedule if you want to prune blackout data based on blackout schedule type.
    • Keep daily records can keep 90 days for blackout records for scheduled by daily by default.
    • Keep weekly records can keep 180 days for blackout records for scheduled by weekly by default.
    • Keep monthly records can keep 360 days for blackout records for scheduled by monthly by default.
    • Keep on demand records can keep 30 days for blackout records for on demand by default.
  5. Select Prune by the number of records, if you want to prune blackout data based on blackout record number and run number for each blackout.
    • Keep record for can keep 30 days for all blackout reports by default.
    • Keep run records for each blackout can keep last 12 run records for each blackout by default.
    Note: The blackout data is pruned only if both rules are satisfied.
  6. Select Disable pruning, if you want to disable blackout data pruning.
    Note: Disabling data pruning keeps all the records indefinitely. This increases the overhead and impacts storage capacity and performance.
  7. After setting the prune rules, click Save. The console scans the blackout data periodically in the background and prunes blackout history. The default scan time is in 24:00:00 for console server time.

    The console pruning scan time can be modified in the configuration file as follows:

    1. Go to the folder <dmc_install_directory>/Config/
    2. Add or modify the following parameter
      'pruning_start_time = {HH}:{MM}:{SS}'
      where, {HH}:{MM}:{SS} is the console server time, for example:
      'pruning_start_time = 14:13:30'
    3. Restart the console server.