Migrating Db2 UDF authorization user accounts

This task is about migrating the repository user accounts with Db2 UDF role mapping into IBM® Db2® Data Management Console.

Before you begin

Ensure to complete the upgrade process.


  1. Find the installation directory of IBM Db2 Data Management Console. Navigate to the utility folder.
    cd ./dsmmigscripts
  2. Run the script file for your respective platform.
    user_migration.sh <DSM_install_path>
    user_migration.bat <DSM_install_path>

    where <DSM_install_path> is the absolute path of IBM Data Server Manager install directory.

  3. (Optional) Check the log details of this migration. The log file UserUtils.0 is located under logs folder of IBM Db2 Data Management Console installation directory.
  4. If the migration succeeds, repository authentication will be enabled in IBM Db2 Data Management Console. You can verify by logging into the console.
    • The default Db2 UDFs 'DSWEBSECURITY.CANADMINISTER' and 'DSWEBSECURITY.CANVIEW' will be reused in IBM Db2 Data Management Console. Please do not delete them.
    • The setup administrator account will be automatically disabled if migration succeeds.