Migrate user accounts for unsupported platforms

Currently migration of user accounts is supported by IBM® Db2® Data Management Console only for Linux® and Windows platform. This task is about a workaround for other unsupported platforms.

Before you begin

Ensure to complete the migration task as explained in Migrate data of repository database for other platforms. The IBM Db2 Data Management Console product continues to reside on the intermediate Linux server.


  1. Stop the service of IBM Db2 Data Management Console on the final target server, on completing the repository data migration.
  2. Start the service of IBM Db2 Data Management Console on the intermediate Linux server if it is not running.
  3. Complete the migration of user accounts on the intermediate Linux server based on the authentication and authorization mode of IBM Data Server Manager.
  4. Stop the service of IBM Db2 Data Management Console on the intermediate Linux server. Copy the following files under Config folder of installation directory of IBM Db2 Data Management Console on the intermediate Linux server to the same folder on the final target server.
    • dswebserver_override.properties
    • ext_ldap_config.json (Only if LDAP authentication is enabled)
  5. Start the service of IBM Db2 Data Management Console on the final target server.