MERGE statement

The MERGE statement updates a target (a table or view, or the underlying tables or views of a fullselect) using data from a source (result of a table reference).

Restriction: This statement is supported for HBase tables with the following restriction: Update or deletion of a UNION ALL view (or equivalent fullselect) is not supported for HBase tables. This statement is not supported for Hadoop transactional tables.

Rows in the target that match the source can be deleted or updated as specified, and rows that do not exist in the target can be inserted. Updating, deleting or inserting a row in a view updates, deletes or inserts the row in the tables on which the view is based.


This statement can be embedded in an application program or issued through the use of dynamic SQL statements. It is an executable statement that can be dynamically prepared.


The privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include at least one of the following authorities:
  • If an insert operation is specified, INSERT privilege on the table or view; if a delete operation is specified, DELETE privilege on the table or view; and if an update operation is specified, either:
    • UPDATE privilege on the table or view
    • UPDATE privilege on each column that is to be updated
  • CONTROL privilege on the table
  • DATAACCESS authority
The privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must also include at least one of the following authorities:
  • SELECT privilege on every table or view identified in the table-reference
  • CONTROL privilege on the tables or views identified in the table-reference
  • DATAACCESS authority
If search-condition, insert-operation, or assignment-clause includes a subquery, the privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must also include at least one of the following authorities:
  • SELECT privilege on every table or view identified in the subquery
  • CONTROL privilege on the tables or views identified in the subquery
  • DATAACCESS authority
If a row-fullselect is included in the assignment, the privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include at least one of the following authorities for each referenced table, view, or nickname:
  • SELECT privilege
  • CONTROL privilege
  • DATAACCESS authority

If an expression that refers to a function is specified, the privilege set must include any authority that is necessary to execute the function.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramMERGE INTO table-nameview-name(fullselect) correlation-clauseUSINGtable-referenceONsearch-conditionWHENmatching-conditionTHENmodification-operationsignal-statementELSE IGNOREWITHRRRSCSUR
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramAScorrelation-name (,column-name)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramNOTMATCHED ANDsearch-condition
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramupdate-operationdelete-operationinsert-operation
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramUPDATE period-clause SETassignment-clause
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram,column-name = expressionDEFAULTNULL(,column-name) = (,expression1DEFAULTNULLrow-fullselect2)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramDELETE period-clause
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramINSERT (,column-name) VALUES expressionDEFAULTNULL(,expressionDEFAULTNULL)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramFOR PORTION OF BUSINESS_TIME FROMvalue1TOvalue2
  • 1 The number of expressions, NULLs, and DEFAULTs must match the number of column names.
  • 2 The number of columns in the select list must match the number of column names.


table-name, view-name, or (fullselect)
Identifies the target of the update, delete, or insert operations of the merge. The name must identify a table or view that exists at the current server, but it must not identify a catalog table, a system-maintained materialized query table, a view of a catalog table, a read-only view, or a view that directly or indirectly contains a WHERE clause that references a subquery or a routine defined with NOT DETERMINISTIC or EXTERNAL ACTION (SQLSTATE 42807).

If the target of the merge operation is a fullselect, the fullselect must be updatable, deletable, or insertable as defined in the Updatable views, Deletable views, or Insertable views Notes items in the description of the CREATE VIEW statement.

You cannot use a period-clause in an update-operation or a delete-operation if the target of the merge operation is a union-all view or a fullselect.

You cannot use a nickname (a reference to a remote, federated table) as the target table.

Can be used within search-condition or on the right side of an assignment-clause to designate a table, view, or fullselect. For a description of correlation-clause, see table-reference in the description of Subselect.
USING table-reference
Specifies a set of rows as a result table to be merged into the target. If the result table is empty, a warning is returned (SQLSTATE 02000).
ON search-condition
Logically, a right join is performed between the target table and the table-reference using the ON search-condition. For those rows of the join result table where the search condition is true, the specified update or delete operation is performed. For those rows of the join result table where the result of the search condition is not true, the specified insert operation is performed.
The search-condition has the following restrictions (SQLSTATE 42972 unless otherwise noted):
  • It cannot contain any subqueries, scalar or otherwise
  • It cannot include any dereference operations or the DEREF function where the reference value is other than the object identifier column
  • It cannot include an SQL function
  • It cannot include an XMLQUERY or XMLEXISTS expression
  • Any column that is referenced in an expression of the search-condition must be a column of the target table, view, or table-reference
  • Any function that is referenced in an expression of the join-condition of a full outer join must be deterministic and have no external action
  • It cannot be include an aggregate function (SQLSTATE 42903)

If the search-condition is false or unknown for every row in table-reference, a warning is returned (SQLSTATE 02000).

WHEN matching-condition
Specifies the condition under which the modification-operation or the signal-statement is executed. Each matching-condition is evaluated in order of specification. Rows for which the matching-condition evaluates to true are not considered in subsequent matching conditions.
Indicates the operation to be performed on the rows where the ON search condition is true. Only UPDATE, DELETE, or signal-statement can be specified after THEN.
AND search-condition
Specifies a further search condition to be applied against the rows that matched the ON search condition for the operation to be performed after THEN.
Indicates the operation to be performed on the rows where the ON search condition is false or unknown. Only INSERT or signal-statement can be specified after THEN.
AND search-condition
Specifies a further search condition to be applied against the rows that did not match the ON search condition for the operation to be performed after THEN. This search condition applies only to rows that did not match ON search condition; if AND search condition references columns from the target table a syntax error might be returned (SQL0206N).
THEN modification-operation
Specifies the operation to execute when the matching-condition evaluates to true.
Specifies the update operation to be executed for the rows where the matching-condition evaluates to true.
Introduces the update operation.
Specifies that a period clause is applied to the update operation in the MERGE statement. For more information about the effects of a period clause specified in the context of an update operation, see the UPDATE statement topic.
Introduces the assignment of values to column names.
Specifies a list of column updates.
Identifies a column to be updated. The column-name must identify a column of the specified table or view, but not a view column derived from a scalar function, constant, or expression. A column must not be specified more than once (SQLSTATE 42701).

A view column derived from the same column as another column of the view can be updated, but both columns cannot be updated in the same MERGE statement (SQLSTATE 42701).

Indicates the new value of the column. The expression must not include an aggregate function except when it occurs within a scalar fullselect (SQLSTATE 42903).

An expression can contain references to columns of the table-name or view-name. For each row that is updated, the value of such a column in an expression is the value of the column in the row before the row is updated.

If expression is a reference to a single column of the source table, the source table column value may have been specified with an extended indicator variable value. The effects of such indicator variables apply to the corresponding target columns of the assignment-clause.

If expression is a single host variable, or a host variable being explicitly cast, the host variable can include an indicator variable that is enabled for extended indicator variables.

When extended indicator variables are enabled, the extended indicator variable values of default (-5) or unassigned (-7) must not be used (SQLSTATE 22539) if either of the following statements is true:

  • The expression is more complex than a single host variable with explicit casts
  • The target column has data type of structured type
The default value assigned to the column. DEFAULT can be specified only for columns that have a default value. For information about default values of data types, see the description of the DEFAULT clause in the CREATE TABLE statement.

DEFAULT must be specified for a column that was defined as GENERATED ALWAYS. A valid value can be specified for a column that was defined as GENERATED BY DEFAULT.

Specifies the null value as the new value of the column. Specify NULL only for nullable columns (SQLSTATE 23502).
Specifies a fullselect that returns a single row. The result column values are assigned to each corresponding column-name. If the fullselect returns no rows, the null value is assigned to each column; an error occurs if any column to be updated is not nullable. An error also occurs if there is more than one row in the result.

A row-fullselect can contain references to columns of the target table of the MERGE statement. For each row that is updated, the value of such a column in an expression is the value of the column in the row before the row is updated. An error is returned if there is more than one row in the result (SQLSTATE 21000).

Specifies the delete operation to be executed for the rows where the matching-condition evaluates to true.
Introduces the delete operation.
Specifies that a period clause is applied to the delete operation in the MERGE statement. For more information about the effects of a period clause specified in the context of a delete operation, see the DELETE statement topic.
Specifies the insert operation to be executed for the rows where the matching-condition evaluates to true.
Introduces a list of column names and row value expressions to be used for the insert operation.

The number of values for the row in the row value expression must equal the number of names in the insert column list. The first value is inserted in the first column in the list, the second value in the second column, and so on.

Specifies the columns for which the insert values are provided. Each name must identify a column of the table or view. The same column must not be identified more than once (SQLSTATE 42701). A view column that cannot accept insert values must not be identified. A value cannot be inserted into a view column that is derived from:
  • A constant, expression, or scalar function
  • The same base table column as some other column of the view

If the object of the operation is a view with such columns, a list of column names must be specified, and the list must not identify these columns.

Omission of the column list is an implicit specification of a list in which every column of the table (that is not defined as implicitly hidden) or view is identified in left-to-right order. This list is established when the statement is prepared, and therefore does not include columns that were added to a table after the statement was prepared.

Introduces one or more rows of values to be inserted.
Any expression that does not include a column name (SQLSTATE 42703).

If expression is a reference to a single column of the source table, the source table column value may have been specified with an extended indicator variable value. The effects of such indicator variables apply to the corresponding target columns of the insert-operation.

If expression is a single host variable, or a host variable being explicitly cast, the host variable can include an indicator variable (or in the case of a host structure, an indicator array) that is enabled for extended indicator variables.

When extended indicator variables are enabled, the extended indicator variable values of default (-5) or unassigned (-7) must not be used (SQLSTATE 22539) if either of the following statements is true:

  • The expression is more complex than a single host variable with explicit casts
  • The target column has data type of structured type
The default value assigned to the column. DEFAULT can be specified only for columns that have a default value. For information about default values of data types, see the description of the DEFAULT clause in the CREATE TABLE statement.

DEFAULT must be specified for a column that was defined as GENERATED ALWAYS. A valid value can be specified for a column that was defined as GENERATED BY DEFAULT.

Specifies the null value as the value of the column. Specify NULL only for nullable columns (SQLSTATE 23502).
Specifies the SIGNAL statement that is to be executed to return an error when the matching-condition evaluates to true.
Specifies that no action is to be taken for the rows where no matching-condition evaluates to true. If all rows of table-reference are ignored, a warning is returned (SQLSTATE 02000).
Specifies the isolation level at which the MERGE statement is executed.
Repeatable Read
Read Stability
Cursor Stability
Uncommitted Read
The default isolation level of the statement is the isolation level of the package in which the statement is bound.


  • More than one modification-operation (UPDATE SET, DELETE, or insert-operation), or signal-statement can be specified in a single MERGE statement.
  • Each row in the target can only be operated on once. A row in the target can only be identified as MATCHED with one row in the result table of the table-reference (SQLSTATE 21506). A nested SQL operation (RI or trigger except INSTEAD OF trigger) cannot specify the target table (or a table within the same table hierarchy) as a target of an UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, or MERGE statement (SQLSTATE 27000).
  • Security policy: If the identified target table or the base table of the identified target view is protected with a security policy, the session authorization ID must have the label-based access control (LBAC) credentials that allow the following types of access.
    • For the update operation:
      • Write access to all protected columns that are being updated (SQLSTATE 42512)
      • Write access for any explicit value provided for a DB2SECURITYLABEL column for security policies that were created with the RESTRICT NOT AUTHORIZED WRITE SECURITY LABEL option (SQLSTATE 23523)
      • Read and write access to all rows that are being updated (SQLSTATE 42519)

      The session authorization ID must also have been granted a security label for write access for the security policy if an implicit value is used for a DB2SECURITYLABEL column (SQLSTATE 23523), which can happen when:

      • The DB2SECURITYLABEL column is not included in the list of columns that are to be updated (and so it will be implicitly updated to the security label for write access of the session authorization ID)
      • A value for the DB2SECURITYLABEL column is explicitly provided but the session authorization ID does not have write access for that value, and the security policy is created with the OVERRIDE NOT AUTHORIZED WRITE SECURITY LABEL option
    • For the delete operation:
      • Write access to all protected columns (SQLSTATE 42512)
      • Read and write access to all of the rows that are selected for deletion (SQLSTATE 42519)
    • For the insert operation:
      • Write access to all protected columns for which a data value is explicitly provided (SQLSTATE 42512)
      • Write access for any explicit value provided for a DB2SECURITYLABEL column for security policies that were created with the RESTRICT NOT AUTHORIZED WRITE SECURITY LABEL option (SQLSTATE 23523)

      The session authorization ID must also have been granted a security label for write access for the security policy if an implicit value is used for a DB2SECURITYLABEL column (SQLSTATE 23523), which can happen when:

      • A value for the DB2SECURITYLABEL column is not explicitly provided
      • A value for the DB2SECURITYLABEL column is explicitly provided but the session authorization ID does not have write access for that value, and the security policy is created with the OVERRIDE NOT AUTHORIZED WRITE SECURITY LABEL option
  • INSTEAD OF triggers: If a view is specified as the target of the MERGE statement, either no INSTEAD OF triggers should be defined for the view, or an INSTEAD OF trigger should be defined for each of the update, delete, and insert operations (SQLSTATE 428FZ).
  • Extended indicator variable usage: If enabled, negative indicator variable values outside the range of -1 through -7 must not be input (SQLSTATE 22010). Also, if enabled, the default and unassigned extended indicator variable values must not appear in contexts in which they are not supported (SQLSTATE 22539).
  • Extended indicator variables in the assignment-clause: An expression that is a reference to a single column of the source table, a single host variable, or a host variable being explicitly cast can result in assigning an extended indicator variable-based value. Assigning the extended indicator variable-based value of unassigned has the effect of leaving the target column set to its current value, as if it had not been specified in the statement. Assigning the extended indicator variable-based value of default assigns the default value of the column. For information on default values of data types, see the description of the DEFAULT clause in the "CREATE TABLE" statement.

    If a target column is not updatable (for example, a column in a view that is defined as an expression), then it must be assigned the extended indicator variable-based value of unassigned (SQLSTATE 42808).

    If the target column is a column defined as GENERATED ALWAYS, then it must be assigned the DEFAULT keyword, or the extended indicator variable-based values of default or unassigned (SQLSTATE 428C9).

    The assignment-clause must not assign all target columns to an extended indicator variable-based value of unassigned (SQLSTATE 22540).

  • Extended indicator variables in the insert-operation: An expression that is a reference to a single column of the source table, a single host variable, or a host variable being explicitly cast can result in inserting an extended indicator variable-based value. In insert-operation, a value of unassigned has the effect of setting the column to its default value.

    If a target column is not updatable, then it must be assigned the extended indicator variable-based value of unassigned (SQLSTATE 42808), unless it is a column defined as GENERATED ALWAYS. If the target column is a column defined as GENERATED ALWAYS, then it must be assigned the DEFAULT keyword, or the extended indicator variable-based values of default or unassigned (SQLSTATE 428C9).

For other rules that affect the update, insert, or delete operation portion of the MERGE statement, see the "Rules" section of the corresponding statement description.


  • Order of processing:
    1. Determine the set of rows to be processed from the source and target. If CURRENT TIMESTAMP is used in this statement, only one clock reading is done for the whole statement.
    2. Use the ON clause to classify these rows as either MATCHED or NOT MATCHED.
    3. Evaluate any matching-condition in the WHEN clauses.
    4. Evaluate any expression in any assignment-clause and insert-operation.
    5. Execute each signal-statement.
    6. Apply each modification-operation to the applicable rows in the order of specification. The constraints and triggers activated by each modification-operation are executed for the modification-operation. Statement-level triggers are activated even if no rows satisfy the modification-operation. Each modification-operation can affect the triggers and referential constraints of each subsequent modification-operation.
  • Statement level atomicity: If an error occurs during execution of the MERGE statement, the whole statement is rolled back.
  • Number of rows updated: When a MERGE statement completes execution, the value of the ROW_COUNT item for GET DIAGNOSTICS and SQLERRD(3) in the SQLCA is the number of rows operated on by the MERGE statement, excluding rows identified by the ELSE IGNORE clause. The value in SQLERRD(3) does not include the number of rows that were operated on as a result of constraints or triggers. The value in SQLERRD(5) includes the number of these rows.
  • Inserted row cannot also be updated: No attempt is made to update a row in the target that did not already exist before the MERGE statement was executed; that is, there are no updates of rows that were inserted by the MERGE statement.
  • Extended indicator variables and update triggers: If a target column has been assigned with an extended indicator variable-based value of unassigned, that column is not considered to have been updated. That column is treated as if it had not been specified in the OF column-name list of any update trigger defined on the target table.
  • Extended indicator variables and insert triggers: No change in the activation of insert triggers results from the use of extended indicator variables. If all columns in the implicit or explicit column list have been assigned to an extended indicator variable-based value of unassigned or default, an insert where all columns have their respective default values is attempted. If the insert is successful, the insert trigger is activated.
  • Extended indicator variables and deferred error checks: When extended indicator variables are enabled, validation that would otherwise be done in statement preparation to recognize an insert into, or update of, a non-updatable column, is deferred until statement execution. Whether an error should be reported can be determined only during execution.
  • Considerations for system-period temporal tables: When MERGE is processed for a system-period temporal table, the rows are impacted in the same way as if the specific data change operations had been invoked. See UPDATE statement, DELETE statement, and INSERT statement topics for more information.
  • Considerations for application-period temporal tables and triggers; When a row is deleted and the FOR PORTION OF BUSINESS_TIME clause is specified, additional rows may be implicitly inserted to reflect any portion of the row that was not deleted. Any existing delete triggers are activated for the rows deleted, and any existing insert triggers are activated for rows that are implicitly inserted. When a row is updated and the FOR PORTION OF BUSINESS_TIME clause is specified, additional rows may be implicitly inserted to reflect any portion of the row that was not updated. Any existing update triggers are activated for the rows updated, and any existing insert triggers are activated for rows that are implicitly inserted.
  • Considerations for a MERGE without a column list in the insert-operation: A MERGE statement without a column list specified as part of the insert-operation does not include implicitly hidden columns. Columns that are defined as implicitly hidden and not null must have a defined default value.


  • Example 1: For activities whose description has been changed, update the description in the archive table. For new activities, insert into the archive table. The archive and activities table both have activity as a primary key.
      MERGE INTO archive ar
      USING (SELECT activity, description FROM activities) ac
      ON (ar.activity = ac.activity)
         UPDATE SET
            description = ac.description
            (activity, description)
            VALUES (ac.activity, ac.description)
  • Example 2: Using the shipment table, merge rows into the inventory table, increasing the quantity by part count in the shipment table for rows that match; else insert the new partno into the inventory table.
      MERGE INTO inventory AS in
      USING (SELECT partno, description, count FROM shipment
             WHERE shipment.partno IS NOT NULL) AS sh
      ON (in.partno = sh.partno)
         UPDATE SET
            description = sh.description,
            quantity = in.quantity + sh.count
            (partno, description, quantity)
            VALUES (sh.partno, sh.description, sh.count)
  • Example 3: Using the transaction table, merge rows into the account table, updating the balance from the set of transactions against an account ID and inserting new accounts from the consolidated transactions where they do not already exist.
      MERGE INTO account AS a
      USING (SELECT id, sum(amount) sum_amount FROM transaction
             GROUP BY id) AS t
      ON =
         UPDATE SET
            balance = a.balance + t.sum_amount
            (id, balance)
            VALUES (, t.sum_amount)
  • Example 4: Using the transaction_log table, merge rows into the employee_file table, updating the phone and office with the latest transaction_log row based on the transaction time, and inserting the latest new employee_file row where the row does not already exist.
      MERGE INTO employee_file AS e
      USING (SELECT empid, phone, office
             FROM (SELECT empid, phone, office,
                   ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY empid
                   ORDER BY transaction_time DESC) rn
                   FROM transaction_log) AS nt
                   WHERE rn = 1) AS t
      ON e.empid = t.empid
         UPDATE SET
            (phone, office) = 
            (empid, phone, office)
            VALUES (t.empid,,
  • Example 5: Using dynamically supplied values for an employee row, update the master employee table if the data corresponds to an existing employee, or insert the row if the data is for a new employee. The following example is a fragment of code from a C program.
      hv1 =
      "MERGE INTO employee AS t
                         CAST (? AS CHAR(1)), CAST (? AS VARCHAR(15)),
                         CAST (? AS SMALLINT), CAST (? AS INTEGER)))
                         s(empno, firstnme, midinit, lastname, edlevel, salary)
      ON t.empno = s.empno
         UPDATE SET
            salary = s.salary
            (empno, firstnme, midinit, lastname, edlevel, salary)
            VALUES (s.empno, s.firstnme, s.midinit, s.lastname, s.edlevel,
      EXEC SQL PREPARE s1 FROM :hv1;
      EXEC SQL EXECUTE s1 USING '000420', 'SERGE', 'K', 'FIELDING', 18, 39580;
  • Example 6: Update the list of activities organized by Group A in the archive table. Delete all outdated activities and update the activities information (description and date) in the archive table if they have been changed. For new upcoming activities, insert into the archive. Signal an error if the date of the activity is not known. The date of the activities in the archive table must be specified. Each group has an activities table. For example, activities_groupA contains all activities that they organize, and the archive table contains all upcoming activities organized by different groups in a company. The archive table has (group, activity) as the primary key, and date is not nullable. All activities tables have activity as the primary key. The last_modified column in the archive is defined with CURRENT TIMESTAMP as the default value.
      MERGE INTO archive ar
      USING (SELECT activity, description, date, last_modified
             FROM activities_groupA) ac
      ON (ar.activity = ac.activity) AND = 'A'
         SIGNAL SQLSTATE '70001'
            SET MESSAGE_TEXT =
               ac.activity CONCAT ' cannot be modified. Reason: Date is not known'
      WHEN MATCHED AND ar.last_modified < ac.last_modified THEN
         UPDATE SET
            (description, date, last_modified) = (ac.description,, DEFAULT)
         SIGNAL SQLSTATE '70002'
            SET MESSAGE_TEXT =
               ac.activity CONCAT ' cannot be inserted. Reason: Date is not known'
            (group, activity, description, date) 
            VALUES ('A', ac.activity, ac.description,