The CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement creates a description of a temporary table at the current server. Each session that selects from a created temporary table retrieves only rows that the same session has inserted. When the session terminates, the rows of the table associated with the session are deleted.


This statement can be embedded in an application program or issued through the use of dynamic SQL statements. It is an executable statement that can be dynamically prepared only if DYNAMICRULES run behavior is in effect for the package (SQLSTATE 42509).


The privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include either DBADM authority, or CREATETAB authority in combination with further authorization, as described here:
  • One of the following privileges and authorities:
    • USE privilege on the table space
    • SYSADM
  • Plus one of these privileges and authorities:
    • IMPLICIT_SCHEMA authority on the database, if the implicit or explicit schema name of the table does not exist
    • CREATEIN privilege on the schema, if the schema name of the table refers to an existing schema
When defining a table using LIKE or a fullselect, the privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must also include at least one of the following on each identified table or view:
  • SELECT privilege on the table or view
  • CONTROL privilege on the table or view
  • DATAACCESS authority


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramCREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLEtable-name(,column-definition)LIKEtable-name1view-namecopy-optionsAS(fullselect)WITH NO DATAcopy-options ON COMMIT DELETE ROWSON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS NOT LOGGEDON ROLLBACK DELETE ROWSNOT LOGGEDON ROLLBACK PRESERVE ROWSLOGGED INtablespace-name distribution-clause
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramcolumn-namedata-type column-options
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrambuilt-in-typedistinct-type-name1
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram NOT NULL default-clauseGENERATEDALWAYSBY DEFAULTASIDENTITYidentity-options
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramWITHDEFAULT default-values
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramconstantdatetime-special-registeruser-special-registerCURRENT SCHEMANULLcast-function(constantdatetime-special-registeruser-special-registerCURRENT SCHEMA)EMPTY_CLOB()EMPTY_DBCLOB()EMPTY_NCLOB()EMPTY_BLOB()
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramDISTRIBUTE BY HASH(,column-name)
  • 1 The specified distinct type cannot have any data type constraints and the source type cannot be an anchored data type.
  • 2 The FOR BIT DATA clause can be specified in any order with the other column constraints that follow. The FOR BIT DATA clause cannot be specified with string units CODEUNITS32 (SQLSTATE 42613).


Names the table. The name, including the implicit or explicit qualifier, must not identify a table, view, nickname, or alias described in the catalog. If a two-part name is specified, the schema name cannot begin with 'SYS' (SQLSTATE 42939).
Defines the attributes of a column of the temporary table.
Names a column of the table. The name cannot be qualified, and the same name cannot be used for more than one column of the table (SQLSTATE 42711).
A table can have the following:
  • A 4K page size with a maximum of 500 columns, where the byte counts of the columns must not be greater than 4 005.
  • An 8K page size with a maximum of 1 012 columns, where the byte counts of the columns must not be greater than 8 101.
  • A 16K page size with a maximum of 1 012 columns, where the byte counts of the columns must not be greater than 16 293.
  • A 32K page size with a maximum of 1 012 columns, where the byte counts of the columns must not be greater than 32 677.

A created temporary table cannot have a row-begin column, row-end column, or a transaction-start-ID column.

For more details, see Row Size in CREATE TABLE statement.

Specifies the data type of the column
Specifies a built-in data type. See CREATE TABLE for a description of built-in-type.

An XML and SYSPROC.DB2SECURITYLABEL data type cannot be specified for a created temporary table.

For a user-defined type that is a distinct type. If a distinct type name is specified without a schema name, the distinct type name is resolved by searching the schemas on the SQL path (defined by the FUNCPATH preprocessing option for static SQL and by the CURRENT PATH register for dynamic SQL).

If a column is defined using a distinct type, then the data type of the column is the distinct type. The length and the scale of the column are respectively the length and the scale of the source type of the distinct type. The distinct type for a column cannot have any data type constraints and the source type cannot be an anchored data type (SQLSTATE 428H2).

Defines additional options related to the columns of the table.
Prevents the column from containing null values. For specification of null values, see NOT NULL in CREATE TABLE.
Specifies a default value for the column.
An optional keyword.
Provides a default value in the event a value is not supplied on INSERT or is specified as DEFAULT on INSERT or UPDATE. If a default value is not specified following the DEFAULT keyword, the default value depends on the data type of the column as shown in ALTER TABLE.

If the column is based on a column of a typed table, a specific default value must be specified when defining a default. A default value cannot be specified for the object identifier column of a typed table (SQLSTATE 42997).

If a column is defined using a distinct type, then the default value of the column is the default value of the source data type cast to the distinct type.

If a column is defined using a structured type, the default-clause cannot be specified (SQLSTATE 42842).

Omission of DEFAULT from a column-definition results in the use of the null value as the default for the column. If such a column is defined NOT NULL, then the column does not have a valid default.

Specific types of default values that can be specified are as follows.
Specifies the constant as the default value for the column. The specified constant must:
  • represent a value that could be assigned to the column in accordance with the rules of assignment
  • not be a floating-point constant unless the column is defined with a floating-point data type
  • be a numeric constant or a decimal floating-point special value if the data type of the column is a decimal floating-point. Floating-point constants are first interpreted as DOUBLE and then converted to decimal floating-point if the target column is DECFLOAT. For DECFLOAT(16) columns, decimal constants having precision greater than 16 digits will be rounded using the rounding modes specified by the CURRENT DECFLOAT ROUNDING MODE special register.
  • not have nonzero digits beyond the scale of the column data type if the constant is a decimal constant (for example, 1.234 cannot be the default for a DECIMAL(5,2) column)
  • be expressed with no more than 254 bytes including the quote characters, any introducer character such as the X for a hexadecimal constant, and characters from the fully qualified function name and parentheses when the constant is the argument of a cast-function
Specifies the value of the datetime special register (CURRENT DATE, CURRENT TIME, or CURRENT TIMESTAMP) at the time of INSERT, UPDATE, or LOAD as the default for the column. The data type of the column must be the data type that corresponds to the special register specified (for example, data type must be DATE when CURRENT DATE is specified).
Specifies the value of the user special register (CURRENT USER, SESSION_USER, SYSTEM_USER) at the time of INSERT, UPDATE, or LOAD as the default for the column. The data type of the column must be a character string with a length not less than the length attribute of a user special register. Note that USER can be specified in place of SESSION_USER and CURRENT_USER can be specified in place of CURRENT USER.
Specifies the value of the CURRENT SCHEMA special register at the time of INSERT, UPDATE, or LOAD as the default for the column. If CURRENT SCHEMA is specified, the data type of the column must be a character string with a length greater than or equal to the length attribute of the CURRENT SCHEMA special register.
Specifies NULL as the default for the column. If NOT NULL was specified, DEFAULT NULL may be specified within the same column definition but will result in an error on any attempt to set the column to the default value.
This form of a default value can only be used with columns defined as a distinct type, BLOB or datetime (DATE, TIME or TIMESTAMP) data type. For distinct type, with the exception of distinct types based on BLOB or datetime types, the name of the function must match the name of the distinct type for the column. If qualified with a schema name, it must be the same as the schema name for the distinct type. If not qualified, the schema name from function resolution must be the same as the schema name for the distinct type. For a distinct type based on a datetime type, where the default value is a constant, a function must be used and the name of the function must match the name of the source type of the distinct type with an implicit or explicit schema name of SYSIBM. For other datetime columns, the corresponding datetime function may also be used. For a BLOB or a distinct type based on BLOB, a function must be used and the name of the function must be BLOB with an implicit or explicit schema name of SYSIBM.
Specifies a constant as the argument. The constant must conform to the rules of a constant for the source type of the distinct type or for the data type if not a distinct type. If the cast-function is BLOB, the constant must be a string constant.
Specifies CURRENT DATE, CURRENT TIME, or CURRENT TIMESTAMP. The source type of the distinct type of the column must be the data type that corresponds to the specified special register.
Specifies CURRENT USER, SESSION_USER, or SYSTEM_USER. The data type of the source type of the distinct type of the column must be a string data type with a length of at least 8 bytes. If the cast-function is BLOB, the length attribute must be at least 8 bytes.
Specifies the value of the CURRENT SCHEMA special register. The data type of the source type of the distinct type of the column must be a character string with a length greater than or equal to the length attribute of the CURRENT SCHEMA special register. If the cast-function is BLOB, the length attribute must be at least 8 bytes.
Specifies a zero-length string as the default for the column. The column must have the data type that corresponds to the result data type of the function.

If the value specified is not valid, an error is returned (SQLSTATE 42894).

IDENTITY and identity-options
For specification of identity columns, see IDENTITY and identity-options in CREATE TABLE.
LIKE table-name1 or view-name or nickname
Specifies that the columns of the table have exactly the same name and description as the columns of the identified table (table-name1), view (view-name), or nickname (nickname). The name specified after LIKE must identify a table, view, or nickname that exists in the catalog, or a declared temporary table. A typed table or typed view cannot be specified (SQLSTATE 428EC). A protected table cannot be specified (SQLSTATE 42962). A table that has a column defined as IMPLICITLY HIDDEN cannot be specified (SQLSTATE 560AE).
The use of LIKE is an implicit definition of n columns, where n is the number of columns in the identified table (including implicitly hidden columns), view, or nickname. The implicit definition depends on what is identified after LIKE.
  • If a table is identified, then the implicit definition includes the column name, data type and nullability characteristic of each of the columns of table-name1. If EXCLUDING COLUMN DEFAULTS is not specified, then the column default is also included.
  • If a view is identified, then the implicit definition includes the column name, data type, and nullability characteristic of each of the result columns of the fullselect defined in view-name. The data types of the view columns must be data types that are valid for columns of a table.
  • If a nickname is identified, then the implicit definition includes the column name, data type, and nullability characteristic of each column of nickname.

Column default and identity column attributes may be included or excluded, based on the copy-attributes clauses. The implicit definition does not include any other attributes of the identified table, view, or nickname. Thus the new table does not have any unique constraints, foreign key constraints, triggers, indexes, table partitioning keys, or distribution keys. The table is created in the table space implicitly or explicitly specified by the IN clause, and the table has any other optional clause only if the optional clause is specified.

When a table is identified in the LIKE clause and that table contains a ROW CHANGE TIMESTAMP column, the corresponding column of the new table inherits only the data type of the ROW CHANGE TIMESTAMP column. The new column is not considered to be a generated column.

If row or column level access control (RCAC) is enforced for table-name1, RCAC is not inherited by the new table.

AS (fullselect) WITH NO DATA
Specifies that the columns of the table have the same name and description as the columns that would appear in the derived result table of the fullselect if the fullselect were to be executed. The use of AS (fullselect) is an implicit definition of n columns for the created temporary table, where n is the number of columns that would result from the fullselect.
The implicit definition includes the following attributes of the n columns (if applicable to the data type):
  • Column name
  • Data type, length, precision, and scale
  • Nullability
The following attributes are not included (the default value and identity attributes can be included by using the copy-options):
  • Default value
  • Identity attributes
  • Hidden attribute

The implicit definition does not include any other optional attributes of the tables or views referenced in the fullselect.

Every select list element must have a unique name (SQLSTATE 42711). The AS clause can be used in the select clause to provide unique names. The fullselect must not refer to host variables or include parameter markers. The data types of the result columns of the fullselect must be data types that are valid for columns of a table.

If row or column level access control (RCAC) is enforced for any table that is specified in fullselect, RCAC is not cascaded to the new table.

These options specify whether to copy additional attributes of the source result table definition (table, view, or fullselect).
Column defaults for each updatable column of the source result table definition are copied. Columns that are not updatable will not have a default defined in the corresponding column of the created table.

If LIKE table-name1 is specified, and table-name1 identifies a base table, created temporary table, or declared temporary table, then INCLUDING COLUMN DEFAULTS is the default.

Column defaults are not copied from the source result table definition.

This clause is the default, except when LIKE table-name is specified and table-name identifies a base table, created temporary table, or declared temporary table.

If available, identity column attributes (START WITH, INCREMENT BY, and CACHE values) are copied from the source's result table definition. It is possible to copy these attributes if the element of the corresponding column in the table, view, or fullselect is the name of a column of a table, or the name of a column of a view which directly or indirectly maps to the column name of a base table or created temporary table with the identity property. In all other cases, the columns of the new temporary table will not get the identity property. For example:
  • The select list of the fullselect includes multiple instances of the name of an identity column (that is, selecting the same column more than once)
  • The select list of the fullselect includes multiple identity columns (that is, it involves a join)
  • The identity column is included in an expression in the select list
  • The fullselect includes a set operation (union, except, or intersect).
Identity column attributes are not copied from the source result table definition.
Specifies the action taken on the created temporary table when a COMMIT operation is performed. The default is DELETE ROWS.
All rows of the table will be deleted if no WITH HOLD cursor is open on the table.
Rows of the table will be preserved.
Specifies whether operations for the table are logged. The default is NOT LOGGED ON ROLLBACK DELETE ROWS.
Specifies that insert, update, or delete operations against the table are not to be logged, but that the creation or dropping of the table is to be logged. During a ROLLBACK (or ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT) operation:
  • If the table had been created within a unit of work (or savepoint), the table is dropped
  • If the table had been dropped within a unit of work (or savepoint), the table is recreated, but without any data
Specifies the action that is to be taken on the not logged created temporary table when a ROLLBACK (or ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT) operation is performed. The default is DELETE ROWS.
If the table data has been changed, all the rows will be deleted.
Rows of the table will be preserved.
Specifies that insert, update, or delete operations against the table as well as the creation or dropping of the table are to be logged.
IN tablespace-name
Identifies the table space in which the created temporary table will be instantiated. The table space must exist and be a USER TEMPORARY table space (SQLSTATE 42838), over which the authorization ID of the statement has USE privilege (SQLSTATE 42501). If this clause is not specified, a table space for the table is determined by choosing the USER TEMPORARY table space with the smallest sufficient page size over which the authorization ID of the statement has USE privilege. When more than one table space qualifies, preference is given according to who was granted the USE privilege:
  1. The authorization ID
  2. A group to which the authorization ID belongs
If more than one table space still qualifies, the final choice is made by the database manager. When no USER TEMPORARY table space qualifies, an error is raised (SQLSTATE 42727).
Determination of the table space can change when:
  • Table spaces are dropped or created
  • USE privileges are granted or revoked
The sufficient page size of a table is determined by either the byte count of the row or the number of columns. For more details, see Row Size in CREATE TABLE statement.
Specifies the database partitioning or the way the data is distributed across multiple database partitions.
DISTRIBUTE BY HASH (column-name, ...)
Specifies the use of the default hashing function on the specified columns, called a distribution key, as the distribution method across database partitions. The column-name must be an unqualified name that identifies a column of the table (SQLSTATE 42703). The same column must not be identified more than once (SQLSTATE 42709). No column whose data type is BLOB, CLOB, DBCLOB, XML, distinct type based on any of these types, or structured type can be used as part of a distribution key (SQLSTATE 42962).

If this clause is not specified, and the table resides in a multiple partition database partition group with multiple database partitions, a default distribution key is automatically defined.

If none of the columns satisfies the requirements for a default distribution key, the table is created without one. Such tables are allowed only in table spaces that are defined on single-partition database partition groups.

For tables in table spaces that are defined on single-partition database partition groups, any collection of columns with data types that are valid for a distribution key can be used to define the distribution key. If this clause is not specified, no distribution key is created.


  • A user temporary table space must exist before a created temporary table can be created (SQLSTATE 42727).
  • Data row compression is enabled for a created temporary table. When the database manager determines that there is a performance gain, table row data with XML documents stored inline in the base table object is compressed. However, data compression of the XML storage object of a created temporary table is not supported.
  • Index compression is enabled by default for indexes that are created on created temporary tables. Compression will be shown as on, but indexes will not be compressed if the correct license (IBM Db2® Storage Optimization Feature) is not applied.
  • Instantiation and termination: For the explanations that follow, P denotes a session and T is a created temporary table in the session P:
    • An empty instance of T is created as a result of the first reference to T that is executed in P.
    • Any SQL statement in P can make reference to T and any reference to T in P is a reference to that same instance of T.
    • Assuming that the ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS clause was specified implicitly or explicitly, then when a commit operation terminates a unit of work in P, and there is no open WITH HOLD cursor in P that is dependent on T, the commit includes the operation DELETE FROM T.
    • When a rollback operation terminates a unit of work or a savepoint in P, and that unit of work or savepoint includes a modification to T:
      • If NOT LOGGED was specified, all rows from T are deleted unless ON ROLLBACK PRESERVE ROWS was also specified
      • If NOT LOGGED was not specified, the changes to T are undone
    • If NOT LOGGED was specified and an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement fails during execution (as opposed to a compilation error), all rows from T are deleted.
    • When a rollback operation terminates a unit of work or a savepoint in P, and that unit of work or savepoint includes the creation of T, then the rollback includes the operation DROP TABLE T.
    • If a rollback operation terminates a unit of work or a savepoint in P, and that unit of work or savepoint includes the drop of a created temporary table T, then the rollback will undo the drop of the table. If NOT LOGGED was specified, then the table will also have been emptied.
    • When the application process that referenced T terminates or disconnects from the database, the private instance of T is dropped and its instantiated rows are destroyed.
    • When the connection to the server at which T was referenced terminates, the private instance of T is dropped and its instantiated rows are destroyed.
  • Restrictions on the use of created temporary tables: Created temporary tables cannot:
    • Be specified in an ALTER, LOCK, or RENAME statement (SQLSTATE 42995)
    • Be specified in referential constraints (SQLSTATE 42995)
  • Syntax alternatives: The following alternatives are non-standard. They are supported for compatibility with earlier product versions or with other database products.
    • DEFINITION ONLY can be specified in place of WITH NO DATA
    • The PARTITIONING KEY clause or DISTRIBUTE ON clause can be specified in place of the DISTRIBUTE BY clause.
    • When specifying the value of the datetime special register, NOW() can be specified in place of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.
    • In a CHAR or VARCHAR column definition, you do not need to specify the CCSID explicitly; the correct CCSID will be used automatically. However, if you do specify the CCSID explicitly, it must correspond to the type of database being used:
      • CCSID ASCII for a non-unicode database
      • CCSID UNICODE for a unicode database


  • Example 1: Create a temporary table, CURRENTMAP. Name two columns, CODE and MEANING, both of which cannot contain nulls. CODE contains numeric data and MEANING has character data.
          (CODE        INTEGER      NOT NULL,
           MEANING     VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL)   
  • Example 2: Create a temporary table, TMPDEPT.
          (TMPDEPTNO   CHAR(3)      NOT NULL,
           TMPMGRNO    CHAR(6),
           TMPLOCATION CHAR(16) )