BINARY scalar function

The BINARY function returns a fixed-length binary string representation of a string of any data type.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramBINARY(string-expression , integer)

The schema is SYSIBM.

An expression that returns a value of a character string, graphic string, or binary string data type.
An integer constant value, which specifies the length attribute of the resulting BINARY data type. The value must be 1 - 255. If integer is not specified, the length attribute of the result is the lower of the following values:
  • The maximum length for the BINARY data type
  • The length attribute for the data type of string-expression expressed in bytes:
    • The length attribute, if string-expression is a binary string, a character string that is FOR BIT DATA, or a character string with string units of OCTETS
    • The length attribute multiplied by 2, if string-expression is a graphic string with string units of CODEUNITS16 or double bytes
    • The length attribute multiplied by 4, if string-expression is a character or graphic string with string units of CODEUNITS32

If string-expression is an empty string and the integer argument is not specified, an error is returned (SQLSTATE 42815).

The result of the function is a BINARY. If the first argument can be null, the result can be null; if the first argument is null, the result is the null value.

The actual length is the same as the length attribute of the result. If the length of string-expression that is converted to a binary string is less than the length attribute of the result, the result is padded with hexadecimal zeros up to the length of the result. If the length of string-expression that is converted to a binary string is greater than the length attribute of the result, truncation occurs.

A warning (SQLSTATE 01004) is returned in the following situations:
  • The first argument is a character or graphic string (other than a CLOB or DBCLOB) and non-blank characters are truncated.
  • The first argument is a binary string (other than BLOB) and non-hexadecimal zeros are truncated.


  1. The following function returns a fixed-length binary string with a length attribute 1 and a value BX'00'.
       SELECT BINARY('',1)
  2. The following function returns a fixed-length binary string with a length attribute 5 and a value BX'4B42480000'.
  3. The following function returns a fixed-length binary string with a length attribute 3 and a value BX'4B4248'.
  4. The following function returns a fixed-length binary string with a length attribute 3 and a value BX'4B4248'.
       SELECT BINARY('KBH ',3) 
  5. The following function returns a fixed-length binary string with a length attribute 3, a value BX'4B4248', and a warning (SQLSTATE 01004).
       SELECT BINARY('KBH 93',3)