

The domains property allows for user-provided domain configuration(s) to be injected into the DataPower pods at runtime, prior to the DataPower process starting.

For an in-depth look at utilizing this property, please see Domain Configuration.

Each domains entry can consist of the following fields:


The name of the domain. This field is required, and must be unique among domains; in other words, you cannot specify more than one entry in the domains list which have the same name.


certs is a list of all certificate, key, or general crypto files that need to be added to the domain. Each certs entry can have the following fields:


Defines the type of cert. This field is required, and must be one of: usrcerts or sharedcerts.

  • A cert with type usrcerts will be available only to this domain.
  • A cert with type sharedcerts will be available to all domains.

Note: The best practice for sharedcerts is to define them in the default domain, but this is not required.


Defines the name of the Kubernetes or OpenShift Secret containing the crypto files. This field is required. This secret can contain any number of certificates, and must exist in the same namespace as the DataPowerService.


Defines a relative subdirectory path to place the cert files into. This field is optional, and only allowed if certType is usrcerts. The provided path must be a relative path, and will be appended to the domain's cert:/// directory path. If not included or left empty, the cert will be placed at the root of the domain's cert:/// directory.


- name: "example"
  - certType: "usrcerts"
    secret: "example-tls"
    subPath: "service/tls"

If the Secret example-tls contains tls.key and tls.crt files, they would be placed into the example domain's cert:/// directory as follows:


Without the subPath definition, they would be placed here:


For more examples, see Adding certs to a domain.


dpApp is a basic abstraction of a domain's configuration and local files using ConfigMaps. It consists of two arrays:

For an end-to-end guide in configuring a domain with dpApp, see Configuring a domain with dpApp.


config is optional. If provided, each entry in the array must be the name of a ConfigMap that exists in the same namespace as the DataPowerService.

Each ConfigMap in the config array must contain DataPower configuration file(s), i.e. .cfg files.

Using a single config file and ConfigMap

kubectl create configmap example-config --from-file=/path/to/example.cfg
- name: "example"
    - "example-config"

Using multiple config files in one ConfigMap

You can also specify multiple config files, which will all be used to build the ConfigMap, and thus be applied to the same target domain:

kubectl create configmap example-config \
  --from-file=/path/to/example-config-pt1.cfg \
  --from-file=/path/to/example-config-pt2.cfg \

Using multiple ConfigMaps

Depending on your use-case, you can either create the ConfigMap from multiple files, or create a ConfigMap for each config part, and list each ConfigMap in the config array:

kubectl create configmap example-config-pt1 --from-file=/path/to/example-pt1.cfg
kubectl create configmap example-config-pt2 --from-file=/path/to/example-pt2.cfg
kubectl create configmap example-config-pt3 --from-file=/path/to/example-pt3.cfg
  - name: "example"
      - "example-config-pt1"
      - "example-config-pt2"
      - "example-config-pt3"


local is optional. If provided, each entry in the array must be the name of a ConfigMap that exists in the same namespace as the DataPowerService.

Each ConfigMap in the local array must contain one or more compressed tarball (.tar.gz) files. The contents of each tarball will be extracted and placed into the local:/// directory of the domain.

kubectl create configmap example-local --from-file=/path/to/example-local.tar.gz

Note: If the same file/path exists in more than one ConfigMap or tarball for the same domain, the resulting file will be overwritten by the last ConfigMap or tarball to provide that file.

  - name: "example"
      - "example-config"
      - "example-local"


settings is an abstraction for the DataPower domain-settings configuration object. Currently it supports the following fields:


passphrase controls the domain-settings passphrase, and supports both user-provided and generated values.

Within the passphrase object are two properties:

  • secret - user-provided Secret name, which must contain the passphrase
  • generate - boolean, if true will generate a value for the passphrase

These properties are mutually exclusive, meaning that only one may be provided.

User-provided Secret

If providing your own Secret for the passphrase, the Secret must contain a literal passphrase which contains the value to use for the passphrase in the domain-settings object.

For example, this creates a Secret named default-passphrase with passphrase datapower:

oc create secret generic default-passphrase --from-literal=passphrase=datapower

The below snippet shows how this Secret could be configured for use in the default domain:

  - name: default
        secret: default-passphrase

Generated Secret

If generate is true, then the DataPower Operator will generate a cryptographically secure passphrase value, and then create a Secret containing this passphrase as a literal for use in the DataPower configuration.

  - name: default
        generate: true

If you need to obtain the generated passphrase value, you can retrieve it from the Secret using oc extract. The DataPowerService status object contains a list of generated resources as a reference. For example, using the above snippet, the status would show something like:

  - context:
      domain: default
      path: domains[0].settings.passphrase
    kind: Secret
    name: default-passphrase

For more details on this status object, see status.


For more details on the domain-settings and passphrase configurations, see the following IBM Documentation:


passwordMap controls the domain's password map, allowing for password-alias objects to be created from Secrets. passwordMap is an array, where each entry corresponds to a single password-alias object that will be created in the domain's configuration. Each entry has the following properties:

Similar to the domain's settings.passphrase configuration, the secret and generated fields for a passwordMap entry are mutually exclusive, meaning only one may be provided.

In both cases, the value of the password provided by the Secret is encrypted in the password map using the domain's settings.passphrase.


alias is the name to use when creating the password-alias object in the DataPower configuration. This will be the alias that is used elsewhere in the DataPower configuration.


If provided, secret must be the name of a Secret in the same namespace. The Secret must contain a literal password, with the value containing the password to use in the password-alias.

For example, the following creates a Secret named example-password with password datapower:

oc create secret generic example-password --from-literal=password=datapower

The below snippet shows how this Secret could be added to the default domain's passwordMap:

  - name: default
    - alias: example
      secret: example-password


If generated is true, then a cryptographically secure password will be generated and stored in a Secret for use in the password-alias object.

  - name: default
    - alias: example
      generated: true

If you need to obtain the generated password value, you can retrieve it from the Secret using oc extract. The DataPowerService status object contains a list of generated resources as a reference. For example, using the above snippet, the status would show something like:

  - context:
      alias: example
      domain: default
      path: domains[0].passwordMap[0]
    kind: Secret
    name: default-example

For more details on this status object, see status.


For more details on the domain-settings and password map configuration, see the following IBM Documentation:

passphraseSecret (DEPRECATED)

Note: passphraseSecret is deprecated (as of version 1.6.7). Use settings.passphrase instead.

passphraseSecret is an optional property to enable decrypting password-alias objects within the DataPower configuration. The value of this property must be the name of a Kubernetes Secret in the same namespace.

The Secret must contain a literal property, passphrase, which contains the passphrase to use in the domain-settings object within the DataPower domain configuration. When this passphraseSecret property is provided, the DataPower Operator will generate a domain-settings object for the configured domain, with the provided passphrase, such that any password-alias objects in the domain configuration can be decrypted and used for service implementation.

For more details on the domain-settings and passphrase configurations, see the following IBM Documentation:


Creating a Secret named default-passphrase with passphrase datapower:

oc create secret generic default-passphrase --from-literal=passphrase=datapower

Specifying this in a domains spec would look like:

- name: "default"
  passphraseSecret: "default-passphrase"
    - "default-config"
    - "default-local"