

The Storage property is a list of storage definitions. Storage definitions fall into two categories: ephemeral and persistent. For persistent storage definitions, the Persistent Volume must use an access mode of ReadWriteOnce.

The following fields can be modified:

  • type
  • path
  • size
  • class
  • volumeMode
  • selector
  • deleteClaim


type defines the kind of storage volume that will be created. There are two valid options: ephemeral and persistent. Ephemeral storage takes the form of EmptyDir volumes mounted on path. Persistent storage takes the form of Persistent Volume Claims.


path is simply the path internal to the container to persist. The path also informs the names of the volume resources to ensure uniqueness.

This field applies to both ephemeral and persistent types.


size is the size of the persisted volume. The expected format is some form of #Gi. For more information on resource definitions, see Resources doc.

This field applies to both ephemeral and persistent types.


class is a direct pass through to the storageClassName field for the Persistent Volume Claim. It determines which class to use for the volume. StorageClass doc

This field applies only to the persistent type.


volumeMode is a switch between Filesystem and Block volume types. Our default type is Filesystem. VolumeMode doc

This field applies only to the persistent type.


selector is a set of label selectors to refine the search for a Persistent Volume to bind.

This field applies only to the persistent type.


deleteClaim is a boolean value to specify whether a persistent volume claim should be deleted or retained.

This field applies only to the persistent type.


- type: persistent
  path: /opt/ibm/datapower/drouter/config
  size: 10Gi
  class: velox-block
  volumeMode: Block
      example.label: some.value
- type: ephemeral
  path: /opt/ibm/datapower/drouter/temporary
  size: 2Gi