Global commands

The commands in Global mode create system-wide resources.

You use the global commands in the following table for the following reasons.
  • To create system-wide resources that are available to various system services.
  • To configure global behavior.
  • To enter specialized configuration modes.
Table 1. Global commands
Command Purpose
aaapolicy This command enters AAA Policy mode.
access-profile This command enters Access Profile mode.
account This command defines the lockout behavior for local accounts.
acl This command enters Access Control List mode.
action This command enters Processing Action mode.
add-ipmi-sel-test-entry This command adds an event to the IPMI SEL.
amqp-broker This command enters AMQP Broker mode.
analytics-endpoint This command enters the Analytics Endpoint mode.
api-application-add This command adds an API application entry to the API collection.
api-application-delete This command deletes an API application entry from the API collection.
api-application-type This command enters API Application Type mode.
api-application-update This command modifies an API application entry in the API collection.
api-auth-url-reg This command enters API Authentication URL Registry mode.
api-client-add This command adds an API client entry to the API collection.
api-client-delete This command deletes an API client entry from the API collection.
api-client-identification This command enter the API Client Identification mode.
api-client-update This command modifies an API client entry in the API collection.
api-collection This command enters API Collection mode.
api-context This command enter the API Context mode.
api-cors This command enters the API CORS mode.
api-definition This command enters API Definition mode.
api-execute This command enter the API Execute mode.
api-ldap-reg This command enters API LDAP Registry mode.
api-operation This command enters API Operation mode.
api-operation-rate-limit This command enters API Operation Rate Limit mode.
api-path This command enters API Path mode.
api-plan This command enters API Plan mode.
api-rate-limit This command enters the API Rate Limit mode.
api-result This command enters the API Result mode.
api-routing This command enters the API Routing mode.
api-rule This command enters API Rule mode.
api-schema This command enters API Schema mode to create or modify an API schema configuration.
api-sec-apikey This command enters API Security API Key mode.
api-sec-basic-auth This command enters API Security Basic Authentication mode.
api-sec-oauth This command enters API Security OAuth mode.
api-sec-oauth-req This command enters API Security OAuth Requirement mode.
api-sec-req This command enters API Security Requirement mode.
api-security This command enters the API Security mode.
api-security-token-manager This command enter API Security Token Manager mode.
api-subscription This command enters API Subscription mode.
api-subscription-delete This command deletes an API subscription entry from the API collection.
api-subscription-update This command modifies an API subscription entry in the API collection.
apic-gw-service This command enters API Connect Gateway Service mode.
apigw This command enters API Gateway mode.
apiprobe This command enters API Probe mode.
apiprobe-settings This command enters API Probe Settings mode.
appliance-quiesce This command changes the operational state of domains, services, and handlers to the down state.
appliance-unquiesce This command changes quiesced domains, services, and handlers to the up operational state.
application-security-policy This command enters Application Security Policy mode.
assembly This command enters Assembly mode.
assembly-client-security This command enters Assembly Client Security Action mode to define the client security policy to extract and authenticate client credentials.
assembly-function This command enters Assembly Function mode to configure an assembly function.
assembly-function-call This command enters Assembly Function Call Action mode to call an assembly function.
assembly-gatewayscript This command enters Assembly GatewayScript Action mode.
assembly-graphql-introspect This command enters Assembly GraphQL Introspect Action mode.
assembly-html-page This command enters Assembly HTML Page Action mode.
assembly-invoke This command enters Assembly Invoke Action mode.
assembly-json-to-xml This command enters Assembly JSON to XML Action mode.
assembly-jwt-generate This command enters Assembly Generate JWT Action mode.
assembly-jwt-validate This command enters Assembly Validate JWT Action mode.
assembly-log This command enters Assembly Log Action mode.
assembly-map This command enters Assembly Map Action mode.
assembly-oauth This command enters Assembly OAuth Action mode.
assembly-operation-switch This command enters Assembly Operation Switch Action mode.
assembly-parse This command enters Assembly Parse Action mode.
assembly-rate-limit This command enters Assembly Rate Limit Action mode.
assembly-redact This command enters Assembly Redact Action mode.
assembly-setvar This command enters Assembly Set Variable Action mode.
assembly-switch This command enters Assembly Switch Action mode.
assembly-throw This command enters Assembly Throw Action mode.
assembly-user-security This command enters Assembly User Security Action mode.
assembly-validate This command enters Assembly Validate Action mode.
assembly-websocket-upgrade This command enters Assembly WebSocket Upgrade Action mode.
assembly-wsdl This command enters Assembly WSDL Action mode.
assembly-xml-to-json This command enters Assembly XML to JSON Action mode.
assembly-xslt This command enters Assembly XSLT Action mode.
audit delete-backup This command deletes an archived version of the audit log.
audit level This command sets the audit level of audit log files in Common Criteria Compatibility mode.
audit-log-settings This command enters Audit Log Settings mode.
audit reserve This command reserves disk space for the audit log.
b2b-cpa This command enters B2B CPA mode.
b2b-cpa-collaboration This command enters B2B CPA Collaboration mode.
b2b-ebms-mpc-delete-msg This command deletes the B2B message that is submitted in a specific Transaction ID from the message partition channel (MPC).
b2b-ebms-mpc-delete-msg-domain This command deletes all B2B messages from the message partition channels (MPCs) in the current domain.
b2b-ebms-mpc-delete-msg-domain-all This command deletes all B2B messages from the message partition channels (MPCs) in all domains.
b2bgw This command enters B2B Gateway mode.
b2bp-archive-purge-now This command runs the configured expiration operation against persisted data.
b2b-persistence This command enters B2B Persistence mode.
b2bp-ha-switch-primary This command switches the B2B persistence store to primary mode.
b2bp-initialize-secondary This command initializes the B2B persistence store in secondary mode.
b2b-profile This command enters B2B Partner Profile mode.
b2b-profile-group This command enters B2B Partner Profile Group mode.
b2b-viewer-mgmt This command enters Web B2B Viewer Management Service mode.
b2b-xpath-routing This command enters B2B XPath Routing Policy mode.
backup This command generates an archive file of the configuration data for specific domains.
cache schema This command adds compiled schemas to the schema cache.
cache stylesheet This command adds a stylesheet to the stylesheet cache.
cache wsdl This command adds a compiled WSDL to the WSDL cache.
cache-apigw-schema This command specifies a schema file to compile and add to the schema cache of the API gateway.
cache-apigw-stylesheet This command specifies a stylesheet to compile and add to the stylesheet cache of the API gateway.
cache-apigw-wsdl This command specifies a WSDL file to compile and add to the WSDL cache of the API gateway.
clear aaa cache This command clears the caches for an AAA policy.
clear dns-cache This command clears the DNS cache.
clear gatewayscript cache This command clears data from a specify type of GatewayScript cache.
clear-ipmi-sel This command deletes all events from the IPMI SEL.
clear ldap cache This command clears the data for idle LDAP connections from the LDAP connection pool cache for an XML manager.
clear pdp cache This command clears all compiled XACML policies for an XACML PDP.
clear ratelimit cache This command clears the cache for a specified rate limit.
clear rbm cache This command clears all cached RBM authentication data.
clear subscriber cache This command clears the API subscriber cache for an API collection.
clear xsl cache This command clears the stylesheet cache for an XML manager.
cli remote open This command establishes a TCP connection to a specific remote host.
cli telnet This command enters Telnet Service mode.
client-known-host This command adds or removes an SSH peer as an SSH known host to an SSH client profile.
clock This command sets the date or time.
compile-options This command enters Compile Options Policy mode.
compile-settings This command enters Compile Settings mode.
config-sequence This command enters Configuration Sequence mode.
conformancepolicy This command enters Conformance Policy mode.
control-list This command enters Control List mode.
cors-policy This command enters CORS Policy mode.
cors-rule This command enters CORS Rule mode.
cpa-receiver-setting This command enters B2B CPA Receiver Setting mode.
cpa-sender-setting This command enters B2B CPA Sender Setting mode.
create-tam-files This command creates Access Manager configuration files.
crypto This command enters Crypto mode.
debug-action This command enters debug mode to interactively debug a GatewayScript action in the specified session.
delete This command deletes a local file.
deployment-policy This command enters Deployment Policy mode.
deployment-policy-variables This command enters Deployment Policy Variables mode.
dir This command lists the contents of a DataPower directory.
dns This command enters DNS Settings mode.
document-crypto-map This command enters Document Crypto Map mode.
documentcache This command enters Document Cache mode for an XML manager.
domain This command enters Application Domain mode.
domain-availability This command enters Domain Availability mode.
domain-quiesce This command changes the operational state of the domain to the down state in a controlled manner.
domain-settings This command enters Domain Settings mode.
domain-unquiesce This command places the domain in the up operational state.
ethernet This command enters Ethernet Interface mode to manage the configuration of Ethernet interfaces.
export-apigw-document-cache This command exports documents in the document cache of the XML manager to a file.
export-document-cache This command exports documents in the document cache of an XML manager to a file.
failure-notification This command enters Failure Notification mode.
file-capture This command controls the file capture trace utility.
flash This command enters Flash mode.
flush-apigw-document This command deletes documents from the document cache of an API Gateway.
flush-apigw-stylesheet This command deletes stylesheets from the stylesheet cache of an API Gateway.
flush-expired-apigw-documents This command deletes expired documents from the document cache of an XML manager.
flush-expired-documents This command deletes expired documents from the document cache of an XML manager.
forms-login-policy This command enters HTML Forms Login Policy mode.
ftp-quote-command-list This command enters FTP Quoted Commands List mode.
gateway-peering This command enters Gateway Peering mode.
gateway-peering-cluster-create This command creates the gateway peering cluster.
gateway-peering-cluster-remove-stale-node This command removes the stale node from a gateway peering cluster by node ID.
gateway-peering-cluster-replicate This command transfers the secondary node to a different primary node in the gateway peering cluster.
gateway-peering-manager This command enters Gateway Peering Manager mode.
gateway-peering-remove-stale-peers This command removes data about stale gateway peering members.
gateway-peering-switch-primary This command switches a gateway peering member from secondary to primary.
gatewayscript-remote-debug This command enters GatewayScript Remote Debugger mode.
gatewayscript-settings This command enters GatewayScript Settings mode.
get-system-var This command prints the value of a system variable to the CLI.
globallogipfilter This command sets the IP address to troubleshoot a specific client.
graphql-schema-options This command enters GraphQL Schema Options mode.
host-alias This command enters Host Alias mode to map an IP address to an alias.
httpserv This command enters HTTP Service mode.
idg-mq-qm This command enters IBM MQ v9+ Queue Manager mode.
idg-mq-qm-group This command enters IBM MQ v9+ Queue Manager Group mode.
ilmt-force-scan This command forces the creation of an ILMT package.
ilmt-scanner This commands enters ILMT Disconnected Scanner mode.
import-apigw-document-cache This command imports the documents in a file to the document cache of the API gateway.
import-document-cache This command imports the documents in a file to the document cache of an XML manager.
import-execute This command imports an import package.
import-package This command enters Import Configuration File mode.
ims This command enters IMS Connect mode.
include-config This command enters Include Configuration File mode.
input-conversion-map This command enters HTTP Input Conversion Map mode.
invalidate-apigw-documents This command marks documents in the document cache of the API gateway as expired.
invalidate-docs This command marks documents in the document cache of an XML manager as expired.
iop-mgmt This command enters the Interoperability Test Service mode.
ip domain This command manages domain-suffixes in the search table for nonqualified domain names.
ip host This command manages host-address maps.
ip name-server This command manages local DNS providers.
ip-multicast This command enters IP Multicast mode.
ipmi-lan-channel This command enters IPMI LAN Channel mode.
ipmi-user This command enters IPMI User mode.
json-settings This command enters JSON Settings mode.
kafka-cluster This command enters Kafka Cluster mode.
known-host This command adds or removes an SSH peer as an SSH known host.
language This command enters the Language mode to set the administrative state of a language.
ldap-connection-pool This command enters LDAP Connection Pool mode.
ldap-search-parameters This command enters LDAP Search Parameters mode.
link-aggregation This command enters Link Aggregation mode to manage the configuration of aggregate interfaces.
load-interval This command specifies the duration of a measurement interval.
loadbalancer-group This command enters Load Balancer Group mode.
locate-device This command controls the locate LED.
logging category This command enters Log Category mode or delete a custom log category.
logging event This command adds an event class and a priority to a log target.
logging eventcode This command adds an event code to the subscription list for a specific log target.
logging eventfilter This command adds an event code to the suppression list for a specific log.
logging ipfilter This command adds an IP address to include in the specified log target.
logging object This command adds an object filter the specified log target.
logging target This command enters Log Target mode.
logging trigger This command adds a command trigger to a log target.
loglevel This command sets the criticality of events to log to the system log.
logsize This command sets the size for the system log.
luna This command enters SafeNet Luna HSM mode.
luna-ha-group This command enters Luna HSM HA Group mode.
luna-ha-settings This command enters SafeNet Luna HSM HA Settings mode.
luna-partition This command enters SafeNet Luna HSM Partition mode.
manage-local-tam-db This command manages the local Access Manager policy database.
matching This command enters Matching Rule mode.
mcfilters This command enters Message Content Filters mode.
mcf-customrule Enters Custom Rule Message Content Filter mode.
mcf-httpheader Enters HTTP Header Message Content Filter mode.
mcf-httpmethod Enters HTTP Method Message Content Filter mode.
mcf-httpurl Enters HTTP URL Message Content Filter mode.
mcf-xpath Enters Message Content Filter (MCF) XPath mode.
message-matching This command enters Message Matching mode.
message-type This command enters Message Type mode.
metadata This command enters Processing Metadata mode.
mkdir This command creates a subdirectory.
monitor-action This command enters Message Filter Action mode.
monitor-count This command enters Message Count Monitor mode.
monitor-duration This command enters Message Duration Monitor mode.
move This command moves a local file from one directory to another.
mpgw This command enters Multi-Protocol Gateway mode.
mpgw-error-action This command enters Multi-Protocol Gateway Error Action mode.
mpgw-error-handling This command enters Multi-Protocol Gateway Default Error Policy mode.
mq-qm This command enters IBM MQ Queue Manager mode.
mq-qm-group This command enters IBM MQ Queue Manager Group mode.
mtom This command enters MTOM Policy mode.
network This command enters Network Settings mode.
nfs-client This command enters NFS Client Settings mode.
nfs-dynamic-mounts This command enters NFS Dynamic Mounts mode.
nfs-static-mount This command enters NFS Static Mounts mode.
ntp-service This command enters NTP Service mode.
oauth-provider-settings This command enters OAuth Provider Settings mode.
oauth-supported-client This command enters OAuth Client mode.
oauth-supported-client-group This command enters OAuth Client Group mode.
odr This command enters On Demand Router mode.
odr-connector-group This command enters ODR Connector Group mode.
packet-capture-advanced This command manages a packet capture session.
parse-settings This command enters Parse Settings mode.
password-alias Do not use this command to manage password aliases. Instead, use the password-map command in Crypto mode to manage password aliases in the password map.
peer-group This command enters Peer Group mode.
policy-attachments This command enters Policy Attachment mode.
policy-parameters This command enters Policy Parameters mode.
quota-enforcement This command enters Quota Enforcement mode.
quota-enforcement-server This command enters Quota Enforcement Server mode.
radius This command enters Policy Parameters mode.
raid-activate This command activates an array volume.
raid-change-encryption-settings This command changes the encryption settings on the document storage partition.
raid-delete This command deletes an array volume.
raid-initialize This command initializes the RAID volume.
raid-learn-battery This command requests the BBU to start the learning cycle.
raid-make-hot-spare This command creates a hot spare for a RAID volume.
raid-rebuild This command forces a rebuild of a RAID volume.
raid-reconcile-encryption-settings This command reconciles the encryption settings on a foreign volume before activation.
raid-volume This command enters RAID Array mode for a RAID volume.
raid-volume-initialize-filesystem This command initializes the file system of the RAID volume.
raid-volume-repair-filesystem This command repairs the file system for the RAID volume.
rate-limit-definition This command enters Rate Limit Definition mode.
rbm This command enters Policy Parameters mode.
refresh stylesheet This command forces the reload of stylesheets by XML managers.
refresh-apigw-stylesheet This command forces the reload of stylesheets by the API gateway.
refresh-tam-certs This command refreshes the client certificate of a DataPower Access Manager client.
refresh-tam-keystore-pwd This command refreshes the password for the Access Manager key database file.
remove chkpoint This command deletes a checkpoint configuration file.
reset domain This command deletes the configuration for a domain.
reset-ssh-keys This command deletes and re-creates SSH host keys.
reset username This command re-enables a locked out account.
reset websocket-connections-all-counters This command resets the WebSocket connection counters for all assembly actions.
reset websocket-connections-counter This command resets the WebSocket connection counters for an assembly action.
rest-mgmt This command enters the REST Management Interface mode.
restart domain This command restarts an application domain without restarting the DataPower Gateway.
rmdir This command removes a subdirectory.
rollback chkpoint This command loads a checkpoint configuration file as the running configuration.
rule This command enters Stylesheet Policy Rule mode.
samlattrs This command enters SAML Attributes mode.
save chkpoint This command creates a checkpoint configuration file.
save-config overwrite This command defines the system behavior when a running configuration is saved.
save error-report This command creates an error report.
save internal-state This command saves the internal state as a text file.
schema-exception-map This command enters Schema Exception Map mode.
search results This command enables the search results optimization algorithm for an XML manager.
secure-backup This command creates a backup package that you can use to restore another DataPower Gateway.
secure-mode This command enters Backup Mode.
secure-restore This command uses a backup package to restore the complete configuration of another DataPower Gateway.
send error-report This command sends an error report as email.
send file This command enables SMTP-based file transmission.
service battery-installed This command resets the installation date of the battery.
service nagle This command enables or disables the Nagle algorithm.
service-monitor This command enters Web Services Monitor mode.
service-quiesce This command changes the operational state of a service or handler to the down state in a controlled manner.
service-unquiesce This command changes the service or handler in the up operational state.
set-system-var This command creates a system variable.
simple-rate-limiter This command enters Simple Rate Limiter mode.
slm-action This command enters SLM Action mode.
slm-cred This command enters SLM Credential Class mode.
slm-policy This command enters SLM Policy mode.
slm-rsrc This command enters SLM Resource Class mode.
slm-sched This command enters SLM Schedule mode.
smtp-server-connection This command enters SMTP Server Connection mode.
snmp This command enters SNMP Settings mode.
soap-disposition This command enters SOAP Header Disposition Table mode.
source-amqp This command enters AMQP Handler mode.
source-as1 This command enters AS1 Handler mode.
source-as2 This command enters AS2 Handler mode.
source-as2-proxy This command enters MEIG AS2 Proxy Handler mode.
source-as3 This command enters AS3 Handler mode.
source-ebms2 This command enters ebMS2 Handler mode.
source-ebms3 This command enters ebMS3 Handler mode.
source-ftp-poller This command enters FTP Poller Handler mode.
source-ftp-server This command enters FTP Server Handler mode.
source-http This command enters HTTP Handler mode.
source-https This command enters HTTPS Handler mode.
source-idg-mq This command enters IBM MQ v9+ Handler mode.
source-idg-mqmft This command enters IBM MQ v9+ MFT Handler mode.
source-ims-callout This command enters IMS Callout Handler mode to create or modify an IMS Callout handler.
source-imsconnect This command enters IMS Connect Handler mode.
source-kafka This command enters Kafka Handler mode.
source-mq This command enters IBM MQ Handler mode.
source-mqfte This command enters IBM MQ FTE Handler mode.
source-nfs-poller This command enters NFS Poller Handler mode.
source-pop-poller This command enters POP Poller Handler mode.
source-raw This command enters Stateless Raw XML Handler mode.
source-sftp-poller This command enters SFTP Poller Handler mode.
source-ssh-server This command enters SFTP Server Handler mode.
source-stateful-tcp This command enters Stateful Raw XML Handler mode.
source-tibems This command enters TIBCO EMS Handler mode.
source-wasjms This command enters WebSphere JMS Handler mode.
sql-runtime-settings This command enters SQL Data Source Runtime Settings mode.
sql-source This command enters SQL Data Source mode.
ssh This command enables the DataPower SSH service.
sshclientprofile This command enters SSH Client Profile mode.
sslforwarder This command creates a TLS Proxy.
standalone-standby-control This command enters Standalone Standby Control mode to manage standby control for Virtual Edition on IBM SoftLayer virtual server.
startup This command starts the DataPower installation wizard.
statistics This command manages statistical data collection.
stylepolicy This command enters Processing Policy mode.
no stylesheet This command deletes stylesheets from the cache of an XML manager.
switch domain This command moves to a specified domain.
syslog This command specifies where to forward log messages.
system This command enters System Settings mode.
tam This command enters Access Manager Client mode.
tcpproxy This command creates a TCP Proxy that redirects an incoming TCP packet stream to a remote address.
template This command runs an interactive command script.
tenant This command enters Tenant mode to modify the connection details for a tenant.
test hardware This command tests the hardware.
test logging This command generates a message to test a log target.
test schema This command tests conformity of an XML file against a schema.
test urlmap This command tests a URL against a URL map.
test tcp-connection This command verifies TCP connectivity to a specific port on a remote target.
test urlrefresh This command tests a URL against a stylesheet refresh policy.
test urlrewrite This command tests a URL against a URL rewrite policy.
tfim This command enters Tivoli Federated Identity Manager mode.
throttle This command enters Throttle Settings mode.
tibems-server This command enters TIBCO EMS mode.
timezone This command enters Timezone mode.
traceroute This command traces the network path to a remote target.
tx-warn This command enables Transformation Extender warning conditions for an XML manager.
undo This command reverts a modified configuration to its previously saved configuration.
urlmap This command enters URL Map mode.
urlrefresh This command enters URL Refresh mode.
urlrewrite This command enters URL Rewrite Policy mode.
user This command enters User mode.
user-agent This command enters User Agent mode to create or modify a user agent.
user-expire-password This command forces an account to change the account password at the next log on.
user-password This command changes the password of the current user.
usergroup This command enters User Group mode.
visibility-list This command enters Visibility List mode.
vlan This command enters VLAN mode to manage the configuration of VLAN interfaces.
wasjms-server This command enters WebSphere JMS mode.
watchdog This command sets watchdog timer values.
wcc-service This command enters WebSphere JMS mode.
web-application-firewall This command enters Web Application Firewall mode.
web-mgmt This command manages access to the web management service.
web-token-service This command enters Web Token Service mode.
webapp-error-handling This command enters Web Application Firewall Error Policy mode.
webapp-gnvc This command enters Web Application Name Value Profile mode.
webapp-request-profile This command enters Web Request Profile mode.
webapp-response-profile This command enters Web Response Profile mode.
webapp-session-management This command enters Web Request Profile mode.
write memory This command saves the running configuration as the startup configuration.
wsgw This command enters Web Service Proxy mode.
wsm-agent This command enters Web Services Management Agent mode.
wsm-endpointrewrite This command saves the running configuration as the startup configuration.
wsm-rule This command enters WS-Proxy Processing Rule mode.
wsm-stylepolicy This command enters WS-Proxy Processing Policy mode.
wsrr-saved-search-subscription Enters WSRR Saved Search Subscription mode.
wsrr-server Enters WSRR Server mode.
wsrr-subscription Enters WSRR Subscription mode.
wsrr-synchronize Synchronizes subscription content with the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository server.
wxs-grid This command enters eXtreme Scale Grid mode to create or modify its configuration.
xacml-pdp This command enters XACML Policy Decision Point mode.
xml-manager This command enters XML Manager mode to create or modify an XML manager.
xml-mgmt This command manages the XML management interface.
xml parser limits This command enters XML Parser Limits mode for the XML manager.
xml validate This command enables XML schema validation for a specified XML manager.
xmlfirewall This command enters XML Firewall Service mode to create or modify the XML Firewall.
xpath-routing This command enters XPath Routing Map mode.
xsl cache memorysize This command specifies the maximum size for the stylesheet cache of the XML manager.
xsl cache size This command specifies the maximum number of stylesheets that the XML manager can cache in the stylesheet cache.
xsl checksummed cache This command manages SHA-1-assisted caching.
xslconfig This command assigns a compile options policy to an XML manager.
xslrefresh This command assigns a stylesheet refresh policy to an XML manager.
zos-nss This command enters NSS Client mode.