crypto module

The crypto module offers a set of APIs for cryptographic usage. It provides the hash, HMAC, cipher, decipher, sign, and verify methods.

To access the functions in the crypto module, use the require('crypto') statement.

APIs for creating hash digests of data.
APIs for creating cryptographic HMAC content.
APIs for generating signatures.
APIs for verifying signatures.
Utility APIs.


Creates and returns a hash object, a cryptographic hash with the algorithm that is used to generate hash digests.


algorithmThe case-sensitive name of the algorithm to use.
The following values for the algorithm are supported.
  • sha1
  • sha256
  • sha512
  • sha224
  • sha384
  • ripemd160
  • md5


Using the sha256 algorithm to hash the data read from the input context. The hash result is 'base64' encoded.
var crypto = require('crypto');
session.input.readAsBuffer(function(error, data) {
  if (error) {
    console.error("readAsBuffer error "+error);
  } else {
    var hash = crypto.createHash('sha256');
    var result = hash.update(data).digest('base64');


Returns an array with the names of the supported hash algorithms.




Calculates the digest of all of the passed data to be hashed.


output_encodingThe encoding of the digested result.
The encoding must be 'hex' or 'base64'. If no encoding is provided, then a Buffer is returned. The hash object cannot be used after the digest() method is called.


Updates the hash content with the data, the encoding of which is given in input encoding. This method can be called several times.


hash.update(data[, input_encoding])
dataThe data that is being digested.
input_encodingThe encoding of the data.
The input_encoding must be 'utf8' or 'ascii'. If no encoding is provided and the input is a string, an encoding of 'utf8' is enforced. If data is a Buffer or Buffers, then input encoding is ignored.


Creates and returns a hmac object, which is a cryptographic HMAC with the algorithm and key.


crypto.createHmac(algorithm, key)
algorithmThe case-sensitive name of the algorithm to use.
keyThe shared secret key that is used by the algorithm to encrypt text.
The following values for the algorithm are supported. The hmac- prefix-naming is the same as the one without the prefix. In other words, hmac-sha1 is the same as sha1.
  • hmac-sha1 or sha1
  • hmac-sha256 or sha256
  • hmac-sha512 or sha512
  • hmac-sha224 or sha224
  • hmac-sha384 or sha384
  • hmac-ripemd160 or ripemd160
  • hmac-md5 or md5
The key must be.
  • A string object that refers to a configured object that also supports prefix usage in XSLT.
  • A Buffer or Buffers object that contains base64 encoded data of a key.
  • An Object.
  • A symmetric key whose JWK 'kty' member value is 'oct'.

For more information about formats when defining a key object, see Key object usage.


Using the hmac-sha256 algorithm and the shared secret key object that is named Alice to do the HMAC. The result is 'base64' encoded.
var crypto = require('crypto');
var key = "Alice";

var hmac = crypto.createHmac('hmac-sha256', key);
var input = "This is plaintext to hash";
var result = hmac.update(input).digest('base64');



Calculates the digest of all of the passed data to the HMAC.


output_encodingThe encoding of the digested result.
The encoding can be 'hex' or 'base64'. If no encoding is provided, then a Buffer is returned. The hmac object cannot be used after the digest() method is called.


Updates the content of the hmac object with the data, the encoding of which is given in input encoding. This method can be called several times.


hmac.update(data[, input_encoding])
dataThe data that is being digested.
input_encodingThe encoding of the data.
The input_encoding can be 'utf8' or 'ascii'. If no encoding is provided and the input is a string, an encoding of 'utf8' is enforced. If data is a Buffer or Buffers, then input encoding is ignored.

Returns the enciphered contents.

encodingThe encoding of the data.
The encoding must be 'base64' or 'hex'. If no encoding is provided, then a Buffer is returned. The cipher object cannot be used after the final() method is called.


Returns a Buffer object that represents the authentication tag that is computed from the data.


Used for authenticated encryption modes. The encryption mode must be Encrypt-then-MAC. It is called after the encryption from the final() method is complete.


Returns the IV for the cipher object.


If the IV is passed in createCipheriv(), then the returning IV is identical. The returned value is a Buffer object.


Sets the value that is used for the additional authenticated data (AAD) input parameter.


Used for authenticated encryption modes. The encryption mode must be Encrypt-then-MAC. The data type can be a Buffer or Buffers object.


The automatic padding of the input data.


You can disable automatic padding of the input data to block size. If auto_padding=false, the length of the entire input data must be a multiple of the cipher's block size or final() fails. You must call this method before


Updates the cipher with data.


cipher.update(data[, encoding])
dataThe data that is being updated.
encodingThe encoding of the data.
The encoding must be'utf8' or 'ascii'. If no encoding is provided, then a Buffer is expected. If data is a Buffer, then encoding is ignored.


Creates and returns a cipher object, with the selected algorithm, key, and initialization vector.


crypto.createCipheriv(algorithm, key, iv)
algorithmThe case-sensitive name of the algorithm to use.
keyThe shared secret key that is used by the algorithm to encrypt text.
ivThe initialization vector (IV).
The following values for the algorithm are supported.
  • aes128-cbc
  • aes192-cbc
  • aes256-cbc
  • tripledes-cbc
  • A128CBC-HS256
  • A192CBC-HS384
  • A256CBC-HS512
  • A128GCM
  • A192GCM
  • A256GCM

The A128CBC-HS256, A192CBC-HS384, and A256CBC-HS512 algorithms need to be Encrypt-then-MAC.

The key must be.
  • A string object that refers to a configured object that also supports prefix usage in XSLT.
  • A Buffer or Buffers object that contains the base64 encoded data of a key.
  • An Object.
  • A symmetric key whose JWK 'kty' member value is 'oct'.

For more information about formats when defining a key object, see Key object usage.

The iv must be a Buffer and is optional. If it does not present, an auto-generated IV is used. In this case, getIV() returns an auto-generated IV.

Using the A128CBC-HS256 Encrypt-then-MAC algorithm to do a cipher. The IV is auto-generated and needed when you are doing the decipher.
var crypto = require('crypto');
var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('A128CBC-HS256', 'alice');
var aad = new Buffer('additional authentication data');
cipher.update('this is the plaintext that needs to be encrypted');
cipher.update('second part');
var encipherData =;
var authTag = cipher.getAuthTag();
var iv = cipher.getIV();


Returns an array with the names of the supported ciphers.




Creates and returns a decipher object with the selected algorithm, key, and initialization vector.


crypto.createDecipheriv(algorithm, key, iv)
algorithmThe case-sensitive name of the algorithm to use.
keyThe shared secret key that is used by the algorithm to encrypt text.
ivThe initialization vector.
The following values for the algorithm are supported.
  • aes128-cbc
  • aes192-cbc
  • aes256-cbc
  • tripledes-cbc
  • A128CBC-HS256
  • A192CBC-HS384
  • A256CBC-HS512
  • A128GCM
  • A192GCM
  • A256GCM

The A128CBC-HS256, A192CBC-HS384, and A256CBC-HS512 algorithms need to be Encrypt-then-MAC.

The key must be.
  • A string object that refers to a configured object that also supports prefix usage in XSLT.
  • A Buffer or Buffers object that contains the base64 encoded data of a key.
  • An Object.
  • A symmetric key whose JWK 'kty' member value is 'oct'.

For more information about formats when defining a key object, see Key object usage.

The iv must be a Buffer.

Using the aes192-cbc algorithm to decipher data.

var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes192-cbc', 'alice', iv); 
var originalPlainText =;

Returns the deciphered plaintext.

encodingThe encoding of the data.
The encoding must be 'ascii' or 'utf8'. If no encoding is provided, then a Buffer is returned.

Note: The decipher object cannot be used after the final() method is called.


Sets the value that is used for the AAD input parameter.


Used for authenticated encryption modes. The encryption mode must be Encrypt-then-MAC. The data type can be a Buffer or Buffers object.


Passes in the received authentication tag.


Used for authenticated encryption modes. The encryption mode must be Encrypt-then-MAC. If no tag is provided or if the ciphertext is tampered with, final() throws. The throw indicates that the ciphertext is to be discarded due to failed authentication. The data type must be a Buffer.


The automatic padding of the input data.


You can disable automatic padding if the data is encrypted without standard block padding to prevent from checking and removing it. It works only if the length of the input data is a multiple of the ciphers block size. You must call this method before you stream data to decipher.update().


Updates the decipher with data.


decipher.update(data[, encoding])
dataThe data that is being updated.
encodingThe encoding of the data.
The encoding must be 'base64' or 'hex'. If no encoding is provided, then a Buffer is expected. If data is a Buffer, then encoding is ignored.


Creates and returns a signing object, with the selected algorithm.


algorithmThe case-sensitive name of the algorithm to use.
The following values for the algorithm are supported.
  • dsa-sha1
  • rsa-sha1
  • rsa-sha256
  • rsa-sha512
  • rsa-sha384
  • rsa-ripemd160
  • rsa-md5
  • ecdsa-sha1
  • ecdsa-sha256
  • ecdsa-sha384
  • ecdsa-sha512
  • rsassa-pss-ps256 or PS256
  • rsassa-pss-ps384 or PS384
  • rsassa-pss-ps512 or PS512

The crypto sign API is general purpose and uses an asymmetric key (public/private) mechanism to generate the signature. It does not include a symmetric key sign.


Using rsa-sha256 algorithm and the private key object that is named Alice to generate a signature.
var crypto = require('crypto');
var key = "Alice";

var sign = crypto.createSign('rsa-sha256');
sign.update('This is text to sign').sign(key, function(error, signature) {
  if (error) {
    console.error("sign error "+error);
  } else {
    console.log("signature with rsa-sha256 is "+signature.toString('base64'));


Calculates the signature on all the updated data that is passed through the sign object.


sign.sign(key[, output_encoding], function(error, signature) {...})
keyThe private key that is used to encrypt the data to generate the digital signature.
output_encodingThe encoding of the signature.
errorThe error information if an error occurs.
signatureThe final result of digital signature.
The key must be.
  • A string object that refers to a configured object that also supports prefix usage in XSLT.
  • A Buffer or Buffers object that contains the PEM formatted base64 encoded data of a key.
  • An Object.
  • An RSA private key in JWK form whose 'kty' member value is 'RSA'.
  • An elliptic curve private key in JWK form whose 'kty' member value is 'EC'.

For more information about formats when defining a key object, see Key object usage.

The output_encoding can 'hex' or 'base64'. If no encoding is provided, then a Buffer is returned.

The error is an instance of the GatewayScript error object. If no error occurs, the error variable is null.

The signature is the final result of the digital signature. The signature type must be string or Buffer, which is based on the output_encoding value. If no encoding is provided, then a Buffer is returned. If an error occurs, the signature is null.

The sign object cannot be used after the sign() method is called.


Updates the sign object with the data. This method can be called several times.


sign.update(data[, input_encoding])
dataThe data that is being signed.
input_encodingThe encoding of the data.
The data type must be string, Buffer, or Buffers. If no encoding is provided and the input is a string, an encoding of 'utf8' is enforced. If data is a Buffer or Buffers, then input encoding is ignored. The input_encoding must be 'utf8' or 'ascii'.


Creates and returns a verification object, with the selected algorithm.


algorithmThe case-sensitive name of the algorithm to use.
The following values for the algorithm are supported.
  • dsa-sha1
  • rsa-sha1
  • rsa-sha256
  • rsa-sha512
  • rsa-sha384
  • rsa-ripemd160
  • rsa-md5
  • ecdsa-sha1
  • ecdsa-sha256
  • ecdsa-sha384
  • ecdsa-sha512
  • rsassa-pss-ps256 or PS256
  • rsassa-pss-ps384 or PS384
  • rsassa-pss-ps512 or PS512

The crypto verify API is general purpose and is using an asymmetric key (public/private) mechanism to verify the signature. It does not include a symmetric key verify.


Using the rsa-sha256 algorithm and the certificate object that is named Alice to verify the signature that is read from the input context.
var crypto = require('crypto');
var key = "Alice";

session.input.readAsBuffer(function(error, buffer) {
  if (error) {
    console.error("readAsBuffer error: "+error);
  } else {
    var verify = crypto.createVerify('rsa-sha256');
    verify.update('This is text to sign').verify(key, buffer, function(error) {
      if (error) {
        console.error("verification fail: "+error);


Updates the verification object with the data. This method can be called several times.


verify.update(data[, input_encoding])
dataThe data that is being verified.
input_encodingThe encoding of the data.
The data type must be a string, Buffer, or Buffers. If no encoding is provided and the input is a string, an encoding of 'utf8' is enforced. If data is a Buffer or Buffers, then input encoding is ignored. The input_encoding must be 'utf8' or 'ascii'.


Verifies the digital signature.


verify.verify(key, signature[, signature_encoding], function(error) {...})
keyThe key object that is used to verify the signature.
signatureThe previously calculated signature for the data.
signature_encodingThe encoding of the signature.
errorThe error information if an error occurs.
The key must be.
  • A string object that refers to a configured object that also supports prefix usage in XSLT.
  • A Buffer or Buffers object that contains base64 encoded data of a key.
  • An Object.
  • An RSA public key in JWK form whose 'kty' member value is 'RSA'.
  • An elliptic curve public key in JWK form whose 'kty' member value is 'EC'.

For more information about formats when defining a key object, see Key object usage.

The signature must be a string, Buffer, or Buffers. If no encoding is provided and the signature is a string, an encoding of 'base64' is enforced. If signature is a Buffer or Buffers, then signature encoding is ignored.

The signature_encoding must be 'hex' or 'base64'.

The error is an instance of the GatewayScript error object. If the verify() call succeeds, the error variable is null.

The verify object cannot be used after the verify() method is called.


Generates random cryptographic bytes


crypto.randomBytes(size[, function (error, buffer)])
sizeThe number of bytes of the generated bits.
functionAn asynchronous callback function. This is optional
errorThe error information if an error occurs.
bufferThe generated random cryptographic bytes.

The size must be a value in the range 1 - 2000000000.

The function passes random bytes in an asynchronous way. Otherwise, the random bytes are the function's return value.

The error happens if random byte generation is not able to perform. If callback does not present, an exception is thrown. Otherwise, the error is passed into callback function.


  • Asynchronous
    crypto.randomBytes(256, function(ex, buf) {
      if (ex) throw ex;
      console.log('Have %d bytes of random data: %s', buf.length, buf);
  • Synchronous
    try {
      var buf = crypto.randomBytes(256);
      console.log('Have %d bytes of random data: %s', buf.length, buf);
    } catch (ex) {
      // handle error