Installation operations

High-level procedures to upgrade, rollback, or downgrade firmware images on the DataPower® Gateway. When the platform is docker, the DataPower Gateway has only a single installation. You cannot upgrade, rollback, or downgrade. The version in use is controlled by the FROM declaration in your Dockerfile.

Before you begin

Before you change the firmware image, review the release details and fix pack documentation for the target firmware version and all intervening versions.

The authority for installation operations is equal to that of the admin account. You must be in the default domain to have the installation operations available. To use the CLI, most of the commands for installation operations are in Flash mode.


  1. Determine which installation operation to use.
  2. Complete the procedures appropriate for the installation operation.

Upgrade operation

An upgrade operation is the installation of a firmware image that is later than the currently installed version.

About this task

You can upgrade the firmware on the DataPower Gateway from the GUI or CLI.

The firmware image can contain new versions of component firmware. Component firmware includes, but is not limited to, the DataPower BIOS, BMC, and RAID controller. When the firmware image contains new versions of component firmware, the upgrade can take approximately 20 minutes. During this upgrade process, do not power off or restart the DataPower Gateway.

If you encounter problems during an upgrade, see the Knowledge Collection: How to upgrade the firmware on an IBM® WebSphere® DataPower Appliance.


  1. Identifying features with feature-specific libraries
  2. Determining the firmware image to download
  3. When you do not have a copy, download the firmware image.
  4. Backing up the current configuration
  5. Optional: Restarting the DataPower Gateway
  6. Transferring the firmware image
  7. Installing the firmware image
  8. Verifying the firmware version

Rollback operation

A rollback operation switches between the current firmware installation (primary) and the previously installed version (secondary).

About this task

You can switch between the current firmware installation and the previously installed version from the GUI or CLI.

When you switch between firmware images that contain different versions of component firmware, the switch can take approximately 20 minutes. During this switch operation, do not power off or restart the DataPower Gateway. Component firmware includes, but is not limited to, the DataPower BIO, BMC, and RAID controller.


  1. Optional: Restarting the DataPower Gateway
  2. Switching between installation images
  3. Verifying the firmware version

Downgrade operation

A downgrade operation is the installation of a firmware image that is earlier than the currently installed version.

About this task

You can downgrade the firmware on an DataPower Gateway from the GUI or CLI.

The firmware image can contain older versions of component firmware. Component firmware includes, but is not limited to, the DataPower BIOS, BMC, and RAID controller. When the firmware image contains older versions of component firmware, the downgrade can take approximately 20 minutes. During this downgrade process, do not power off or restart the DataPower Gateway.

  • Firmware images within a major release differ in only the last digit of the image name. For example, and are in the same major release.
  • Firmware images across major releases differ in the first 3 digits of the image name. For example, and are across major releases.
Use the downgrade procedure for firmware images within the same major release. For firmware images across major releases, you must reinitialize your DataPower Gateway and restore its configuration from the secure backup package that you created before you upgraded the firmware. To reinitialize, use the reinitialize command in Flash mode.

If you encounter problems during a downgrade, see the Knowledge Collection: How to upgrade the firmware on an IBM WebSphere DataPower Gateway Appliance.


  1. Optional: Restarting the DataPower Gateway
  2. When you do not have a copy, download the firmware image.
  3. Transferring the firmware image
  4. Installing the firmware image
  5. Verifying the firmware version