API plan commands
API plan mode provides the commands to create or modify an API plan.
To enter API plan mode, use the global api-plan command. To delete an API plan, use the no api-plan command.
While in this mode, use the commands in the following table to define the API plan.
- To view the current configuration, use the show command.
- To restore default values, use the reset command.
- To exit this configuration mode without saving changes to the running configuration, use the cancel command.
- To exit this configuration mode and save changes to the running configuration, use the exit command.
Command | Purpose |
admin-state | This command sets the administrative state for the configuration. |
api | This command specifies the list of APIs to associate with the plan. |
assembly-burst-limit | This command specifies an assembly burst limit scheme to apply to a rate limit policy. |
assembly-burst-limit-def | This command specifies a burst limit definition that the rate limit policy enforces. |
assembly-count-limit | This command specifies an assembly count limit scheme to apply to a rate limit policy. |
assembly-count-limit-def | This command specifies a count limit definition that the rate limit policy enforces. |
assembly-rate-limit | This command specifies a rate limit assembly scheme to apply to a rate limit policy. |
assembly-rate-limit-def | This command specifies a rate limit definition that the rate limit policy enforces. |
burst-limit | This command specifies the burst limit scheme for the API plan. |
exclude | This command specifies a list of operations to exclude from the plan. |
name | This command specifies the name of the API plan. |
override | This command specifies a list of operations that have their own rate limit settings. |
product-id | This command specifies the product ID for the API plan. |
product-name | This command specifies the product name for the API plan. |
product-title | This command specifies the title of the product that the API plan belongs to. |
product-version | This command specifies the product version for the API plan. |
rate-limit | This command specifies the rate limit scheme for the API plan. |
rate-limit-group | This command specifies a rate limit definition group to enforce on all APIs that are packaged in the plan. |
rate-limit-scope | This command specifies the scope to apply the rate limit. |
space-id | This command specifies the space ID for the API plan. |
space-name | This command specifies the name of the space that the product belongs to in the catalog. |
summary | This command specifies the brief, descriptive summary for the object instance. |
use-definitions | This command indicates whether to use rate limit definitions instead of defining limits in the plan. |
use-rate-limit-group | This command indicates whether to use a rate limit definition group to enforce preflow rate limits on all APIs that are packaged in the plan. |