API definition commands

API definition mode provides the commands to create or modify an API definition.

To enter API definition mode, use the global api-definition command. To delete an API definition, use the no api-definition command.

While in this mode, use the commands in the following table to define the API definition.

  • To view the current configuration, use the show command.
  • To restore default values, use the reset command.
  • To exit this configuration mode without saving changes to the running configuration, use the cancel command.
  • To exit this configuration mode and save changes to the running configuration, use the exit command.
Table 1. API definition commands
Command Purpose
activity-log This command indicates whether the activity log action generates log data for API calls.
admin-state This command sets the administrative state for the configuration.
allow-chunked-uploads This command indicates whether to allow the invoke policy to send documents to the server with Transfer-Encoding: chunked.
allow-trailing-slash This command specifies whether to allow the request URL to end with a / character.
allowed-api-protocols This command specifies the supported protocols to accept requests.
api-mutual-tls-header-name This command identifies which HTTP header contains the client certificate for mutual TLS.
api-mutual-tls-source This command indicates how to obtain the client certificate for mutual TLS.
assembly This command specifies the assembly when the API is identified for an API request.
base-path This command specifies the base path on which the API is served.
consume This command specifies the MIME type that the API can consume.
copy-id-headers-to-message This command indicates whether to copy security headers to the message context for retrieval by the invoke back-end service.
cors This command controls whether to enable CORS for the API gateway to handle all CORS requests for an API.
cors-policy This command specifies the name of the policy to apply to CORS requests to the API.
deployment-state This command specifies the deployment state of the API.
enforce-all-headers-case-insensitive This command indicates whether to enforce all headers as case-insensitive.
enforce-form-data-parameter This command indicates whether to resolve and populate the form data parameter.
enforce-required-params This command indicates whether to check the request for required parameters during API routing.
error-content This command specifies the type of content to log when an error occurs during the API call.
force-http-500-for-soap11 This command indicates whether SOAP 1.1 faults always return HTTP 500.
get-raw-body-value This command indicates whether to get the raw body instead of parsing by using the GatewayScript apim.getvariable() API.
graphql-schema This command specifies which API schema to use for GraphQL message validation in the API definition.
html-page This command specifies the name and the location of a static HTML page that the API can return.
id This command specifies the identifier for an API definition.
message-buffering This command controls whether to buffer API requests and responses before processing.
name This command specifies the name of the API definition.
path This command assigns an API path to the API.
preserved-request-header This command manages the custom request headers to preserve for logging to analytics.
preserved-response-header This command manages the custom response headers to preserve for logging to analytics.
produce This command specifies the MIME type that the API can produce.
property This command specifies a custom property value entry for the API definition.
require-api-mutual-tls This command controls whether to require mutual TLS protection for this API.
return-v5-responses This command indicates whether to return v5-compatible responses, such as OAuth and client security error responses.
schema This command manages the list of which API schema to use for message validation by data type.
security-req This command specifies the security requirements that an API request must pass to access the API definition.
set-v5-request-headers This command indicates whether to populate v5-compatible headers, such as X-Client-IP and X-Global-Transaction-ID, in the request.headers context variable.
share-count This command overrides the setting to share rate limiting data set for the API gateway.
success-content This command specifies the type of content to log when the API call is successful.
summary This command specifies the brief, descriptive summary for the object instance.
swagger-location This command specifies the name and the location of a OpenAPI document of the API definition.
type This command specifies the API type.
version This command specifies the version of the API definition.
wsdl-advertised-schema-location This command specifies the name and location of the WSDL document, or the ZIP file that contains the WSDL document and its dependencies.
wsdl-validation-schema This command specifies which API schema to use for SOAP message validation in the API definition.