
This variable gets or sets message exchange pattern (MEP) notification.


Slash notation


The var://service/soap-oneway-mep variable is a read/write variable.

  • When read, gets the SOAP one-way MEP notification.
  • When written, sets the SOAP one-way MEP notification.

The value for this variable can be true or false.

  • When true, notifies the service layer that this transaction is a one-way MEP operation. This setting enables the service layer to optimize resource to prevent Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing) from waiting for and faulting on a response that never arrives.
  • When false, no notification is sent. With WS-Addressing and one-way MEPs, the service layer times out waiting for a response.

When the Multi-Protocol Gateway mediates addressing and receives an annotated message without the wsa:MessageId node, the service assumes a one-way MEP and notifies the service layer by setting this variable to true.

This variable is not needed for the Web Service Proxy, as one-way MEPs are identified by reviewing the specifics of the port operation.

This variable is valid for the Multi-Protocol Gateway.