GUI controls for B2B document storage
Each B2B Gateway has an Archive tab. You can configure each B2B Gateway independently to archive documents and metadata before they are purged or you can purge without archiving.
Relevant settings on the Archive tab include.
- Archive Minimum Size
- Archiving does not occur unless this amount of data is stored in copies of message content.
- Archive Document Age
- Documents that were received at least this many days ago are archived.
- Archive Minimum Documents
- Archiving keeps at least this many documents on the DataPower® Gateway after the archiving process is completed; if fewer than this many documents were received, archiving does not occur.
- Disk Use Check Interval
- Specifies how often to check for documents to archive, defaults to hourly.
- Maximum Disk Usage for Documents
- Archiving occurs unconditionally after this amount of data is stored in copies of message content. Do not use a value greater than 300 GB.