
This command specifies other application domains that are visible to this domain.


visible-domain domain


Specifies the domain name.


The visible-domain command specifies other application domains that are visible to this domain. Files in visible domains are read-only to this domain. No other data or files are available.

References to visible domains are explicit, not bidirectional. The following permission applies when the domainB domain is made visible to the domainA domain.
  • The domainA domain has read-only access to the local: directory of the domainB domain.
  • The domainB domain cannot see the domainA domain.

In this case, you cannot make domainA visible to domainB. References to visible domains cannot be circular.

Tip: When you create an application domain, make the default domain visible. When the default domain is not visible to an application domain, the application domain cannot access files in the store: directory.


Modify the test domain to allow files in the StandardApps domain visible to this domain.
# domain test
Modify Application Domain configuration
# visible-domain default
# visible-domain StandardApps
# exit