RAID data storage

Each DataPower® Gateway has a RAID array or an emulated RAID array that you can use for auxiliary data storage.

After you configure and enable RAID data storage, you can access the available files on the RAID array in the defined subdirectory. The defined subdirectory is available from the local: and logstore: directories of each application domain.

When you delete an application domain, the files in RAID storage are not deleted. For each application domain, the RAID volume contains the following data to delete for you delete an application domain.
B2B transaction data
The B2B viewer display the B2B transaction data that is stored on the RAID volume. The metadata is on the unencrypted partition and the documents are on the encrypted partition. To delete the data, purge the transactions before you delete the domain. For more information, see Purging transactions.
Quota enforcement data
Quota enforcement provides precise threshold management for traffic control. Quota enforcement is implemented with the GatewayScript file on the processing action. The script calls the ratelimit module that defines and manages keys for thresholds and counters. To fete the data, delete the keys for thresholds and counters before you delete the domain. For more information, see Viewing and deleting quota enforcement keys.