Certificate details

You can view the details in the certificate file in the GUI, with the dp:get-cert-details() function, or with a REST or SOAP request.

Although you can use a certificate monitor that checks the expiration date of all certificates, you can view certificate details to evaluate other issues that you can encounter during processing that uses certificates.

Each certificate alias has a backing cryptographic file. Each files includes its basic fields and extensions. You can view the details about certificates in all available interfaces except the CLI.

Viewing certificate details in the GUI

  1. In the search field, enter Certificate.
  2. From the search results, click Crypto Certificate.
  3. From the table, select a certificate alias to view its configuration.
  4. Click Details beside the file name.

Accessing certificate details in a stylesheet

In a stylesheet, use the dp:get-cert-details() function to extract information from a specific certificate. For more information, see dp:get-cert-details().

Requesting certificate details with a REST action

Use the ViewCertificateDetails action to send a view certificate details request to the REST or XML management interface.

The syntax for a REST request is as follows. The response is JSON.
    "CertificateObject": "certificate_alias_name"

Requesting certificate details with a SOAP request

Use the dp:do-view-certificate-details action to send a view certificate details request to the XML management interface.

The syntax for the <dp:request> node of a SOAP request is as follows. The response is XML.