Prerequisites for installing the GSDB sample database on DB2 for z/OS

Before you can install the sample database on DB2® for z/OS®, you must verify or configure privileges and catalog the remote DB2 for z/OS subsystem on your Linux, UNIX, or Windows system where you are running the scripts.


  1. Extract the downloaded ZIP file and retain the original directory structure.
  2. On Linux or UNIX, modify the file permissions on the so that it is executable:
    chmod u+x
  3. Ensure that the user ID that you will use to install the database has SYSADM or DBADM authority or the following authorities in DB2:
    • CREATEDBA and CREATEDBC privileges if the scripts need to create the database. You can choose to install the sample data in an existing database.
    • CREATETS privilege for the specified database if the scripts need to create the table space. You can choose to install the sample data in an existing table space.
    • CREATEIN privilege for the schemas.
    • CREATETAB privilege for the specified database.
    • USE privilege for the specified buffer pool.
    • LOAD privilege
  4. Catalog the remote DB2 for z/OS subsystem where you want to install the sample database. The following commands provide an example for locally cataloging a remote subsystem named REMOTE_SYS_NAME at IP address, port 446, and naming the local alias GSDB_SAMPLE:
    	db2 catalog tcpip node GSDB_SAMPLE remote server 446 system REMOTE_SYS_NAME ostype MVS
    	db2 catalog db REMOTE_SYS_NAME as REMOTE_SYS_NAME at node GSDB_SAMPLE
    	db2 catalog dcs db REMOTE_SYS_NAME as REMOTE_SYS_NAME

    You will provide the remote system name (REMOTE_SYS_NAME) either in the configuration script or during the interactive setup.
