MySQL connection

To access your data in MySQL, create a connection asset for it.

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system.

Supported versions

  • MySQL Enterprise Edition 5.0+
  • MySQL Community Edition 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7

Create a connection to MySQL

To create the connection asset, you need these connection details:

  • Database (optional): If you do not enter a database name, you must enter the catalog name, schema name, and the table name in the properties for SQL queries.
  • Hostname or IP Address
  • Port number
  • Encoding (optional): The character encoding for your data. If not specified, the default character set of the database server is used. If you change the value, enter a valid character encoding, for example, UTF-8.
  • Username and password
  • SSL certificate (if required by the database server)

Select Server proxy to access the MySQL data source through a server proxy. Depending on its setup, a server proxy can provide load balancing, increased security, and privacy. The server proxy settings are independent of the authentication credentials and the personal or shared credentials selection. The server proxy settings cannot be stored in a vault.

  • Proxy hostname or IP address: The proxy URL. For example,
  • Server proxy port: The port number to connect to the proxy server. For example, 8080 or 8443.
  • The Proxy username and Proxy password fields are optional.

Running SQL statements

To ensure that your SQL statements run correctly, refer to the MySQL documentation for the correct syntax.

MySQL setup

MySQL Installation

Learn more

MySQL documentation

Parent topic: Supported connections