Microsoft Azure File Storage connection

To access your data in Microsoft Azure File Storage, create a connection asset for it.

Azure Files are Microsoft's cloud file system. They are managed file shares that are accessible via the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol or the Network File System (NFS) protocol.

Create a connection to Microsoft Azure File Storage

To create the connection asset, you need these connection details:

Connection string: Authentication is managed by the Azure portal access keys.

Note: Prerequisite for Entra ID authentication:

Microsoft Entra ID is a cloud-based identity and access management service. To obtain connection values for the Entra ID authentication method, sign in to the Microsoft Azure portal and go to your storage account. For information about Microsoft Entra ID, see What is Microsoft Entra ID?.

Entra ID client secret credential

  • Tenant ID: The Microsoft Entra tenant ID. To find the Tenant ID, go to Microsoft Entra ID> Properties. Scroll down to the Tenant ID field. For more information, see How to find your Microsoft Entra tenant ID.
  • Client ID: The client ID for authorizing access to Microsoft Azure File Storage. To find the Client ID for your application, select Microsoft Entra ID. From App registrations, select your application. Click Copy to copy the Client ID of your application. For more information, see Register a Microsoft Entra app and create a service principal.
  • Client secret: The authentication key that is associated with the client ID for authorizing access to Microsoft Azure File Storage. To find the Client secret for your application, select Microsoft Entra ID. From App registrations, select your application. Go to Certificates & secrets > Client secrets. Click Copy to copy the existing Client secret or click New client secret to create a new Client secret and copy it. For more information, see Register a Microsoft Entra app and create a service principal.
  • Storage account URL: Storage account URL.

Entra ID username password credential

  • Client ID: The client ID for authorizing access to Microsoft Azure File Storage. To find the Client ID for your application, select Microsoft Entra ID. From App registrations, select your application. Click Copy to copy the Client ID of your application. For more information, see Register a Microsoft Entra app and create a service principal.
  • Username and Password: Username and password for the Microsoft Azure File Storage account. You need permission to access the file without multi-factor authentication.
  • Storage account URL: Storage account URL.

Connections in Data Product Hub are used by the functional admin user to deliver data products. The personal credentials entered by the connection owner are automatically saved for use by both the connection owner and the functional admin user.

Azure File Storage setup

Set up storage and access keys on the Microsoft Azure portal. For instructions see Manage storage account access keys.
Example connection string, which you can find in the ApiKeys section of the container:


Choose the method to create and manage your Azure Files:


  • Microsoft Azure's maximum file size is 1 TB.
  • When using Entra ID credentials for authentication with Azure File Storage connection, creating or deleting a share/container is not supported. Only listing an existing shares and making changes to them is supported.

Supported file types

The Azure File Storage connection supports these file types:  Avro, CSV, Delimited text, Excel, JSON, ORC, Parquet, SAS, SAV, SHP, and XML.

Table formats

The Azure File Storage connection supports these Data Lake table formats: Delta Lake and Iceberg.

Known issues

  • During the upload, the data is appended in portions to a temporary file and then converted into the file. Depending on the size of the streamed content, there might be a delay in creating the file. Wait until all the data is uploaded.

Learn more

Azure Files

Parent topic: Supported connections