Scheduling a maintenance window

Once you have created a maintenance window and at least one time period for the maintenance window, you must schedule the maintenance window. No actions can be run in the maintenance window until it has been scheduled. Db2 Automation Expert makes it easy to schedule a maintenance window using the Db2 administrative task scheduler.

About this task

The steps in this task describe how to use the Db2 Automation Expert panels to schedule a maintenance window.


  1. On the Db2 Automation Expert main menu, enter 11 in the Option field and press Enter.
  2. On the Automation Console panel, enter 2 in the Option field and press Enter.
  3. On the Maintenance Window panel, enter D in the Source field, and enter selection criteria in the Window Like field. Press Enter.
  4. Enter S in the Cmd line next to the maintenance window that you want to schedule and press Enter.
  5. If two or more time periods are defined in the maintenance window, the Schedule Maintenance Window panel is displayed with a message that prompts you to select a time period. Select a time period by entering S in the Cmd line and press Enter.
  6. On the Schedule Db2 Admin Task panel, the Task Name field contains the maintenance window name, and the Task Description field contains a Db2 Automation Expert generated task description. In addition, the Point in Time field contains a cron string representation of the time period in the maintenance window that will be scheduled.
    The Schedule Db2 Admin Task panel is shown in the following figure:
    Figure 1. Schedule Db2 Admin Task panel
     AUTOXPRT V1R1   -------- Schedule Db2 Admin Task -------- 2023/10/05  14:30:52 
     Option   ===>                                                 Scroll ===> CSR  
     Commands: CANCEL - Exit without saving changes.                                
                                                        Db2 Subsystem: SS01         
     Task Name  . . . . CUSTOMER DATABASE MAINTENANCE 28                  >         
     Task Description   MAINTENANCE WINDOW                                >         
                                                                More:     +         
     Begin Timestamp  . .                            (Db2 Timestamp)                
     End Timestamp  . . .                            (Db2 Timestamp)                
     Max Invocations  . .            (Integer, Blank)                               
     SSID . . . . . . . . SS01       (Blank for any datasharing member)             
     Job Wait . . . . . . Y          (Y - Yes, N - No, P - Purge)                   
     Execution Threads. . 001        (Integer)                                      
     Invocation Options:                                                            
       Interval (minutes)            (Integer, Blank)                               
         Task Name . . .                                                  >         
         Cond  . . . . .             (GT,GE,EQ,LT,LE,NE)                            
  7. Complete the remainder of the fields as required.
  8. When you have completed all the fields, press PF3 (END).
    The Db2 Admin Task Scheduler panel is displayed with a message that confirms that the task has been scheduled.