Reviewing maintenance window workload

Once a maintenance window has been defined and scheduled, you can select the window to review what is scheduled to run when the window is open. The objects and the actions (utilities) to be run are displayed in a list, including the object priority as assigned by Db2 Automation Expert. You can manually override the object priority, or select an action to see the utility control cards and the exceptions (symptoms) that triggered the utility to be run.


  1. On the Db2 Automation Expert main menu, enter 11 in the Option field and press Enter.
  2. On the Automation Console, enter 2 in the Option field and press Enter.
  3. On the Maintenance Window panel, enter D in the Source field, and enter selection criteria in the Window Like field. Press Enter.
  4. Enter W in the Cmd line next to the maintenance window that you want to review and press Enter.
    A list of the open actions on the objects that meet your selection criteria is displayed, as shown in the following figure:
    Figure 1. Maintwindow Actions
     AUTOXPRT V1R1   ---------- Maintwindow Actions ---------- 2023/10/05  17:42:54 
     Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
     Commands: REFRESH - Refresh action status.                                     
     Line Commands: D - Delete action  G - Group  O - Output  P - oPtions           
                    S - Symptoms  T - change Type                                   
     Window Name  . . .   TWUSR.BEST PRACTICE REORG #1                              
     Window Description                                                             
     SSID . . . . . . . . SS01       (Blank for any datasharing member)             
     View Action Type . . B  (A - Active, P - Passive, B - Both)                    
                                                             Row 1 of 1         >   
         Target           Target              Target Priority                       
     Cmd Qualifier        Object              Part   Override    Priority           
         DSN8DB01         DSN8S01             ALL         0         100             
     ***************************** Bottom of Data **********************************

    This panel shows the action (utility) that is scheduled to run when this maintenance window is open, by object. Scroll right to see all the fields. You can review the action for each object along with its priority (if one was assigned) by scrolling through the list.

  5. To change the object priority for an open action, on the Maintwindow Actions panel:
    1. Enter a value in the Priority Override column.
      The new priority value must be numeric and from 1-100 (100 is the highest priority). This value overrides the order that is assigned using the Object Prioritization panel (refer to Prioritizing objects for actions).
    2. Press Enter.
      The priority override value is saved for that object.
    3. When you exit the Maintwindow Actions panel, the Priority Override Confirmation panel is displayed.
      This panel lists all the objects that have had the object priority changed.
    4. To confirm the priority overrides, enter Y in the Confirm Priority Override Changes field and press Enter.
      The changes are applied and the Maintenance Windows panel is displayed.
  6. To view the output from the action or the control cards that were generated for the utility, on the Maintwindow Actions panel, do one of the following:
    • To view the output from the action, enter the letter O next to an action and press Enter. The Execution Output panel is displayed. This panel shows error messages that were generated during the action, and the output from the stored procedure.
    • To view the options that are specified on the control cards, enter P next to an action and press Enter. The Action Options panel shows the control cards that were generated to run the utility.
    • To view the exceptions (symptoms) that triggered the action for an object, enter S next to an action and press Enter. The Symptoms panel shows the exception that was specified and that triggered the utility, and the actual trigger value that was found.
  7. To view an action with other actions in its group, enter G next to an action and press Enter.
    The Action Group panel is displayed with each action listed separately. For each of those individual actions, you can view the output or the options that were specified in control cards for each individual action from this panel.
  8. To delete an action from the maintenance window:
    1. Enter D next to an action and press Enter.
    2. Enter Y to confirm the changes on the Confirm Action Delete window and press Enter.
    The action is deleted from the maintenance window.