Reviewing actions and symptoms

Once a job profile is built for automated actions, you can review the actions that were generated by the build and the exceptions or symptoms that triggered the actions.


  1. On the Db2 Automation Expert main menu, enter 11 in the Option field and press Enter.
  2. On the Automated Console, enter 4 in the Option field and press Enter.
  3. On the Actions panel, enter T in the Source field and press Enter.
  4. To view actions for specific objects, enter object selection criteria in the Target Qualifier and Target Object fields and press Enter.
    A list of the actions for the objects that meet your selection criteria is displayed, as shown in the following figure:
    Figure 1. Actions panel
     AUTOXPRT V1R1   ---------------- Actions ---------------- 2023/10/21  16:21:29 
     Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
     Commands: REFRESH - Refresh action status.                                     
     Line Commands: D - Delete action  G - Group  O - Output  P - oPtions           
                    S - Symptoms  T - change build outpuT                           
      Target Qualifier NMHA*                                                        
      Target Object    *                                                            
      Source T (S - AutoStats, T - Automation Expert)                                 
      Status * (C - Completed, E - Error, I - Inprogress, O - Open, * - All)        
      Db2 Subsystem: SS1A                                  Row 1 of 26401        +> 
         Target           Target              Target Priority                       
     Cmd Qualifier        Object              Part   Override    Priority           
         NMHA7348         TS734802            0003        0           9             
         NMHA7348         TS734802            0004        0           9             
         NMHA7348         TS734802            0005        0           9             
         NMHA7348         TS734802            0005        0           9             
         NMHA7348         TS734801            ALL         0          10             
         NMHA7348         TS734801            ALL         0          10             
         NMHA7348         TS734802            0001        0           9             

    This panel shows the action (utility) that was run (or will be run) by object. You can filter the view by the status of the action by changing the value in the Status header field. You can review the status of the action, the object priority and the priority override (if set), the return code from the action, and other information. Scroll right to see all the fields.

What to do next

  • To change the type of action (active to passive or passive to active), enter T next to an open or active action and press Enter. Enter Y on the Confirm Action Type Change confirmation dialog to confirm the change.
  • To delete an action, enter D next to the action and press Enter. Enter Y on the Confirm Action Delete confirmation dialog to confirm the change.
  • To view the exceptions (symptoms) that triggered the action for an object, enter S next to an action and press Enter. The Symptoms panel is displayed, which shows the exception that was specified and that triggered the utility, along with the actual trigger value that was found.
  • To view the output from the action or the control cards that were generated for the utility, follow these steps.
    Note: Some builds generate several individual actions as a group to run a utility. For example, a REORG might generate three individual actions: create a temporary mapping table, the REORG, and drop the temporary mapping table. When an action requires several individual actions, the Action Group panel is displayed first, with each action listed separately. For each of those individual actions, you can view the output or the options that were specified in control cards for each individual action from this panel.
    • To view the output from the action, enter the letter O next to an action and press Enter. The Execution Output panel is displayed. This panel shows error messages that were generated during the action, and the output from the stored procedure. The following figure shows a portion of output from a CHECK DATA utility:
      Figure 2. Execution Output panel
       AUTOXPRT V1R1  ----------  Execution Output  -----------  2023/10/21  16:21:35 
       Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
       Db2 Subsystem: SS01                            Row 1 of 22                +    
                                     Error Messages                                   
       No Error Messages                                                              
                                 Stored Procedure Output                              
       1DSNU000I    230 12:40:00.76 DSNUGUTC - OUTPUT START FOR UTILITY, UTILID = A114
        DSNU1045I   230 12:40:00.86 DSNUGTIS - PROCESSING SYSIN AS UNICODE UTF-8      
       0DSNU050I    230 12:40:00.87 DSNUGUTC -  CHECK DATA TABLESPACE NMHA7348.TS73480
                                   2 PART 3 SHRLEVEL REFERENCE SCOPE                  
        DSNU737I  !SS01 230 12:40:00.87 DSNUKINP - TABLESPACE 'NMHA7348.TS734802' PART
                                   ITION '3' IS NOT                                   
                         CHECK PENDING                                                
        DSNU749I    230 12:40:00.87 DSNUK001 - CHECK DATA COMPLETE,ELAPSED TIME=00:00:
    • To view the options that are specified on the control cards, enter P next to an action and press Enter. The Action Options panel shows the control cards that were generated to run the utility. The following figure shows the control cards from the same CHECK DATA utility:
      Figure 3. Action Options panel
       AUTOXPRT V1R1  ------     Action Options           ------ 2023/10/21  16:25:33 
       Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
       Db2 Subsystem: SS01                            Row 1 of 11                     
         CHECK DATA                                                                   
           TABLESPACE NMHA7348.TS734802 PART 0003                                     
             SHRLEVEL REFERENCE                                                       
             SCOPE PENDING                                                            
             AUXERROR REPORT                                                          
             LOBERROR REPORT                                                          
             XMLERROR REPORT                                                          
             EXCEPTIONS 0                                                             
       ***************************** Bottom of Data **********************************