Task output panels

The Db2 Admin Task SYSOUT panel shows the output from the task execution. If the task was a JCL job, the output display shows the contents of the job's SYSOUT data set if the data set is still available in SDSF. If the data set is not available, the panel displays the message "No rows to display." If the task was a stored procedure, the panel displays the output parameters and results sets from the stored procedure.

SYSOUT panel for JCL jobs

The following figure shows the Db2 Admin Task Status Detail window for a JCL job:
Figure 1. Db2 Admin Task Status Detail window for JCL jobs
AUTOXPRT V1R1   --------- Db2 Admin Task SYSOUT --------- 2023/10/21  21:08:57 
 Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
  Task Name    TEST EXECUTION JCL                                               
  Task Creator TWUSR                             Db2 Subsystem: SS1A            
  JobID        J0211132                          Row 1 of 58           +>       
                      J E S 2  J O B  L O G  --  S Y S T E M  R S 2 2  --  N O D
 13.11.43 J0211132 ---- MONDAY,    05 SEP 2023 ----                             
 13.11.43 J0211132  IRR010I  USERID TWUSR    IS ASSIGNED TO THIS JOB.           
 13.11.45 J0211132  ICH70001I TWUSR    LAST ACCESS AT 13:10:45 ON MONDAY, SEPTEM
 13.11.45 J0211132  $HASP373 TWUSRAPF STARTED - INIT 7    - CLASS A - SYS RS25  
 13.11.45 J0211132  IEF403I TWUSRAPF - STARTED - TIME=13.11.45                  
 13.11.45 J0211132  RKTSW01I                                          ----------
 13.11.45 J0211132  RKTSW01I   JOBNAME  STEPNAME PROCSTEP STEP    RC  CPU (Total
 13.11.45 J0211132  RKTSW01I   TWUSRAPF CSVAPF00            1     00  00:00:00.0
 13.11.45 J0211132  IEF404I TWUSRAPF - ENDED - TIME=13.11.45                    
 13.11.45 J0211132  RKTSW01I   TWUSRAPF JOB TOTALS:                   00:00:00.0
 13.11.45 J0211132  $HASP395 TWUSRAPF ENDED                                     
 ------ JES2 JOB STATISTICS ------                                              
   05 SEP 2023 JOB EXECUTION DATE                                               
             5 CARDS READ                                                       
            58 SYSOUT PRINT RECORDS                                             
             0 SYSOUT PUNCH RECORDS                                             
             4 SYSOUT SPOOL KBYTES                                              
          0.00 MINUTES EXECUTION TIME                                           
         1 //TWUSRAPF JOB ,'TWUSR',CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X,                           
           //             NOTIFY=&SYSUID,REGION=6M                              
           /*JOBPARM SYSAFF=RS25                                                
         2 //CSVAPF00 EXEC PGM=CSVAPF00                                         
         3 //APFLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DAJ.WRK0410.LOADLIB                         
 ICH70001I TWUSR    LAST ACCESS AT 13:10:45 ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2023        
 IEF236I ALLOC. FOR TWUSRAPF CSVAPF00                                           
 IGD103I SMS ALLOCATED TO DDNAME APFLIB                                         
 IGD104I DAJ.WRK0410.LOADLIB                          RETAINED,  DDNAME=APFLIB  
         - Step Termination Statistics                                          
         - Program Name       CSVAPF00                          HH:MM:SS.hh     
         - Step Name          CSVAPF00          Elapsed Time    00:00:00.00     
         - Procedure Step                                                       
         - Step Number               1          TCB CPU Time    00:00:00.00     
         - Substep Number            0          SRB CPU Time    00:00:00.00     
         - Return Code              00          Other CPU Time  00:00:00.01     
         - Tape Mounts               0          Total CPU Time  00:00:00.01     
         - Total I/O                 0          Connect Time/ms     0           
         - Region Size           6144K                                          
         - --------Below 16Meg--------          --------Above 16Meg--------     
         - Private Area          9192K          Private Area       1368064K     
         - Max Allocated            4K          Max Allocated            8K     
         - LSQA And SWA           240K          LSQA And SWA         10464K     
 IEF373I STEP/CSVAPF00/START 2023248.1311                                       
 IEF032I STEP/CSVAPF00/STOP  2023248.1311                                       
         CPU:     0 HR  00 MIN  00.00 SEC    SRB:     0 HR  00 MIN  00.00 SEC   
         VIRT:     4K  SYS:   240K  EXT:        8K  SYS:    10464K              
 IEF375I  JOB/TWUSRAPF/START 2023248.1311                                       
 IEF033I  JOB/TWUSRAPF/STOP  2023248.1311                                       
         CPU:     0 HR  00 MIN  00.00 SEC    SRB:     0 HR  00 MIN  00.00 SEC   
 ***************************** Bottom of Data **********************************
The fields on this window display information about the task, as follows:
Task Name
The task name.
Task Creator
The task creator.
Db2 Subsystem
The Db2 SSID on which the task was run.
The job ID that was assigned to the job submitted by the administrative scheduler.

The remainder of the panel contains the contents of the job's SYSOUT data set.

SYSOUT panel for stored procedures

Note: The output command is not available for stored procedures on subsystems running Db2 versions prior to Db2 V9 NFM. If you attempt to use the O line command on such a task, message DAJM763 is displayed.
The following figure shows the Db2 Admin Task SYSOUT panel for stored procedures:
Figure 2. Db2 Admin Task SYSOUT panel for stored procedures
 AUTOXPRT V1R1   --------- Db2 Admin Task SYSOUT --------- 2023/10/21  21:08:57
 Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR 
  Task Name    AUTOSTATS TEST RUNSTATS #2                                      
  Task Creator PDUSRAA                           Db2 Subsystem: SS1A           
  JobID                                          Row 1 of 3             >      
 Parm   Type     Value                                                         
 000002 INTEGER  283                                                           
 000003 INTEGER  0                                                             
 000004 VARCHAR                                                                
 ***************************** Bottom of Data *********************************
The fields on this window display information about the task, as follows:
Task Name
The task name.
Task Creator
The task creator.
Db2 Subsystem
The Db2 SSID on which the task was run.
The job ID that was assigned to the job submitted by the administrative scheduler.
Parm, Type, Value
These columns display the output parameters, their types, and results (if any) from the stored procedure.