Scheduling RUNSTATS via the Db2 administrative task scheduler

You can schedule a RUNSTATS task from the Maintenance Windows panel. The Db2 administrative task scheduler schedules the ADMIN_UTL_EXECUTE stored procedure to run RUNSTATS against any object that has an alert in the SYSAUTOALERTS table.

Enter S in the Cmd field next to a statistics maintenance window on the Maintenance Windows panel. The Schedule Db2 Admin Task panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 1. Schedule Db2 Admin Task panel
 AUTOXPRT V1R1   -------- Schedule Db2 Admin Task -------- 2023/10/21  21:31:32 
 Option   ===>                                                 Scroll ===> CSR  
 Commands: CANCEL - Exit without saving changes.                                
                                                    Db2 Subsystem: SS1A         
 Task Name  . . . . RUNSTATS WINDOW ID:5308                           >         
 Task Description                                                     >         
                                                            More:     +         
 Begin Timestamp  . . 2023-10-11- (Db2 Timestamp)                
 End Timestamp  . . .                            (Db2 Timestamp)                
 Max Invocations  . . 1          (Integer, Blank)                               
 SSID . . . . . . . . SS1A       (Blank for any datasharing member)             
 Stand Alone  . . . . Y          (Yes/No)                                       
 Invocation Options:                                                            
   Interval (minutes)            (Integer, Blank)                               
     Task Name . . .                                                  >         
     Cond  . . . . .             (GT,GE,EQ,LT,LE,NE)                            
     Code  . . . . .             (Integer, Blank)                               
   Point in Time . .                                                  >         

Complete the fields as required. For information about the fields, press PF1 for help.

When you are finished, press Enter, then PF3. The Maintenance Windows panel is displayed.