Copying the Db2 Automation Expert mapping extension JAR file

After Db2 Automation Expert SMP/E installation, a mapping extension JAR file must be copied to a user directory and the OMEGAMON Data Connect component of OMEGAMON® Data Provider must be reloaded.

Before you begin

Ensure that after Db2 Automation Expert SMP/E installation, the following JAR file is installed in this user directory: /usr/lpp/IBM/db2ae/v1r1/bin/daj-odp.jar.


  1. Copy the JAR file from /usr/lpp/IBM/db2ae/v1r1/bin/daj-odp.jar to the OMEGAMON Data Connect user directory.
    Note: If you encounter authorization errors when copying the file, ask your systems administrator for assistance.
  2. Restart OMEGAMON Data Connect.
  3. Restart OMEGAMON Data Broker.