Each of the DSNACCOX-like exception categories is a set of exception conditions that are
in other categories.
About this task
Note: The colors that are mentioned in this topic are based on the default ISPF color scheme. If you
changed your default ISPF colors, they may not match the colors as described.
Select DSNACCOX-like exceptions using one of the following methods:
- Expand the DSNACCOX-like Recommendations category, then enter
S or A next to the category of exception conditions
that you want to select.
- Enter View C in the Option line. When the Categories of
Exception Conditions window is displayed, enter /
next to the category of exception conditions that you want to select.
On the Update Exceptions Category Display, the selected
category of exceptions is listed.
The panel displays the formulas in parenthesized IF-ENDIF (Boolean) format. You need only to
specify the exception values; the And/Or condition and the condition value (such as EQ, NE, or GT)
are fixed by the DSNACCOX formula and cannot be changed.
exception condition values that must be entered are populated with question marks ("?"). The cursor
is placed at the first field that contains a question mark.
Specify valid exception condition values that you want exception processing to use in each
field. All fields must be specified.
Press PF3 (END).
The Update Exceptions Profile Display shows the DSNACCOX-like
Recommendations group line, and other groups that were selected as part of the
DSNACCOX-like formulas, in red.
All of the exception conditions that are part of the DSNACCOX-like exception group are
displayed in pink. If you expand a red exception condition group that is red, any exception
condition that is part of the DSNACCOX-like exception group is displayed in pink.
What to do next
You can use the VIEW S or VIEW B commands to
view only the selected exception conditions or to view the selected exception conditions using
Boolean logic. Once you have selected and set exceptions in the DSNACCOX-like category, you cannot
edit the exceptions in their individual categories. To edit those values, either enter
U next to the exception in the DSNACCOX-like category, or enter the
View C command in the Option line and reselect the category.