Once Db2 Automation Expert has been installed via SMP/E, several customization tasks must be completed to use the ad-hoc utility API.
- In the Db2 Automation Expert highlevel.SDAJSAMP library, update the DAJYCUST YAML file for IBM® Unified Management Server for z/OS® discoverability.
PathToProductYaml: DSN:<Yaml file dataset>
Installation target libraries (V13 TAR used as typical install
SYSPROC: <sysproc dataset>
SYSEXEC: <sysexec dataset>
LINKLIB: <linklib dataset>
ISPLLIB: <ispllib dataset>
ISPMLIB: <ispmlib dataset>
ISPPLIB: <ispplib dataset>
SAMPLIB: <samplib dataset>
ISPSLIB: <ispslib dataset>
ISPTLIB: <isptlib dataset>
- Start Tools Customer for configuring Db2 Automation Expert.
- On the Specify the Product or Pack Metadata Library panel, select or specify your metadata library.
- On the Customizer Workplace panel, enter E next to the Product parameters field.
- Select the API support task.
- Generate the Tools Customizer jobs.
Two relevant jobs are produced: ssPRUTG and ssPRUTX.
- Submit the ssPRUTG and ssPRUTX jobs.
Running the two jobs produces two JCL PROCS, DAJPRUTG and DAJPRUGX. The procs are used by the APIs for utility generation and running the utility, respectively.
- Move the DAJPRUTG and DAJPRUGX procs to your relevant system PROCLIB library and define them as started tasks.
Note: The started tasks will be started as needed by the APIs. They must not be automatically started by your system or running continuously.
- Configure UMS for Db2 Automation Expert.
- Add the following to the STEPLIB DD in the Zowe ZIS AUX started task (ZWESASTC):
where hlq.SDAJLOAD
is the installed Db2 Automation Expert load libary and fec-hlq.SFECLOAD
is the installed FEC common code library.
- Add the following to the Zowe ZIS AUX started task (ZWESASTC):
where hlq.control
is the Db2 Automation Expert control file.
- Start Db2 Automation Expert, enter option 11.2, and ensure that a maintenance window named
with the description AD HOC UTILITY EXECUTIONS has been created on the subsystem that you will be using the API. This maintenance window is required for ad-hoc utilities via the API.