Specifying the data to be streamed

To identify the real-time statistics, utility history, and utility object-level history data to be streamed to OMEGAMON® Data Provider, you define parameters in the Db2 Automation Expert ssODPC JCL job that was generated during Tools Customizer customization.

Before you begin

The parameters in the job define the type of data to be streamed and the timeframe in which the data was generated.

Add the parameters to the DAJDATA DD statement in the ssODPC JCL job. Each type of data has its own set of parameters, and you can specify more than one type of data at a time. The following shows syntax placeholders for each data type as provided when the job is generated via Tools Customizer:
//DAJDATA  DD *                      
  ODP_PARMS (                        
      DB2_SUBSYSTEM  #SSID#        
      ODP_STATISTICS (               
            DAYS     #DD#             
            HOURS    #HH#             
            MINUTES  #MM#             
            TYPE_AL  #T#)             
      ODP_SYSUTILITIES (             
            DAYS     #DD#             
            HOURS    #HH#             
            MINUTES  #MM#             
            TYPE_AL  #T#)             
      ODP_SYSOBJEVENTS (             
            DAYS    #DD#             
            HOURS   #HH#             
            MINUTES #MM#             
            TYPE_AL #T#)             

You can specify one or more of the available types of data streams in the ODP_PARMS section. The data blocks and their parameters are as follows:

This parameter is required for all type of data streams. Replace #SSID# with the Db2 SSID from which you want to collect data.
Specify this data block to send table space and index space real-time statistics from SYSIBM.SYSTABLESPACESTATS and SYSIBM.SYSINDEXSPACESTATS.
Specify this data block to send utility history from SYSIBM.SYSUTILITIES.
Note: Streaming this data requires Db2 13 function level 501 or later.
Specify this data block to send utility object-level history information from SYSIBM.SYSOBJEVENTS.
Note: Streaming this data requires Db2 13 function level 504 or later.

For each data stream block, specify how the data is to be collected, as follows:

dd is a two-digit number of days from 00-99. Not required if you specify TYPE_AL L.
hh is is a two-digit number of hours from 0-23. Not required if you specify TYPE_AL L.
mm is a two-digit number of minutes from 00-59. Not required if you specify TYPE_AL L.
A(ll) sends all data in the selected table from the time the job is run back to the timestamp defined by the parameters DAYS, HOURS, and MINUTES. This is recommended for the first execution of the job, or to send a full set of updated data. Example: You specify the data stream block as follows:
DAYS    01
HOURS   00
If the job is run at 11:30 AM on Tuesday, the data that is streamed is from 11:30 AM Monday to 11:30 AM Tuesday.
L(atest) sends data from the time the job is run back to the timestamp of the previous run of the streaming job for that data stream block. Db2 Automation Expert tracks the timestamps of streaming job executions in its own repository table for comparison in TYPE_AL L job runs. The DAYS, HOURS, and MINUTES parameters, if specified, are ignored. Example: You specify the data stream block as follows:
DAYS    01
HOURS   00
If the job is run at 10:00 PM Wednesday, and the last time the streaming job was run for this data stream block was 8:00 PM on Monday, the data that is streamed is from 8:00 PM Monday to 10:00 PM Wednesday.


  1. Copy the ssODPC job from the customization output library to a location where you can edit and run the job.
  2. Provide a valid job statement for your site.
  3. Change #SSID# to a valid Db2 SSID.
  4. For each type of data that you want to stream, edit the TYPE_AL parameter and, if needed, the DAYS, HOURS, and MINUTES parameters as previously described.
    If you do not want to stream one or more of the data types, comment out or remove those data blocks.
  5. Save and submit the JCL.