Viewing recently accessed profiles
You can view a list of recently accessed profiles on the object, exception, utility, and job profile panels. Recently accessed profiles are sorted to the top of the profile panel and are displayed regardless of values that are entered in the selection criteria fields. Up to 25 profiles can be listed in the recently accessed profile list.
Before you begin
A recently accessed profile is a profile that was created, updated, viewed, or renamed on a Db2 Automation Expert profile panel. Deleted profiles are not considered recently accessed.
The recently accessed profile list is generated per user ID. To track recently accessed profiles, Db2 Automation Expert uses a table that is created when APAR PH25439 or later is applied and product customization is completed. Therefore, when you first begin to use the Recent Profiles field, the number of recently accessed profiles in the list may be less than the number that you enter in the Recent Profiles field.
About this task
- Access the object, exception, utility or job profile panel.
- In the Recent Profiles field, enter a value from 0-25 and press Enter.
- A list of recently accessed profiles is displayed above the END OF RECENT
PROFILES line. If no profiles have been recently accessed, the END OF RECENT PROFILES line is not displayed.