Updating an object profile

Use the Update Object Profile Display to view and modify the list of objects that are included in the profile. From this panel, you can add or delete objects and view an exploded list of table spaces and index spaces included in the profile. You can also set object-specific utility options from this panel.

About this task

Note: If you update a profile that is used in generated utility jobs, you must rebuild any job profiles that include the changed profile.


  1. When you finish selecting table spaces and index spaces for your object profile, press PF3.
    The Update Object Profile Display, which is shown in the following figure, is displayed:
    Figure 1. Update Object Profile Display
     AUTOXPRT V1R1   ---- Update Object Profile Display    --- 2023/10/19  20:57:44 
     Option  ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
     Commands: Explode - View all objects.                                          
     Line Commands: A - Add  D - Delete  E - Explode  U - Update  R - Repeat        
                    V - View Advanced SQL                                           
     Creator: TWUSR        Profile: TEST                            User: TWUSR     
     Description:                                          Db2 Subsystem: SS01      
     Share Option U  (U - Update, V - View, N - No)        Row 1 of 4             > 
         TS/                                                Volume /                
         IX/ Wild -------- Process ------- Inc/ IX DB Name/ IX Crtr/ IX Name/       
     Cmd VL  Card IX RI Clone Util AUX H/A Exc  TS Crtr     DB Name  TS Name  Part  
         VL  Y    A  N  N     N    N   N   INC              VOL22*            PART  
         TS  Y    N  N  N     N    N   N   INC  PDUSER      *        *        PART  
         IX  N    N  N  N     N    N   N   INC  DBGPRI01    PDUSER   DEPT        0  
         IX  N    N  N  N     N    N   N   INC  DBGPRI01    PDUSER   DEPTX       0  
     ***************************** Bottom of Data **********************************
  2. Use this panel to review and refine the list of objects included in the profile.
    The selected spaces are listed in a single line on the panel. By default, the spaces are listed in the order added to the object profile. You can use the EXPLODE primary or line command to see an expanded list of all table spaces and index spaces included in the profile; see Using the EXPLODE command. Scroll right to see all the columns. Refer to the help panel for detailed information about the fields on this panel.