REBIND options

The REBIND command is used to rebind plans and packages. Db2 Automation Expert builds REBIND jobs for plans and packages related to triggered objects in the object profile.

About this task

When you specify to set REBIND options, the panel shown in the following figure is displayed. Only a portion of the fields are shown; scroll down to see all the fields.

Figure 1. Rebind Utility Profile Options panel
 AUTOXPRT V1R1  ----- Rebind Utility Profile Options ----- 2023/10/20  14:28:47 
 Option   ===>                                                 Scroll ===> CSR  
   Creator: TWUSR      Name: REBIND UTILITY                   User: TWUSR       
                                                     Db2 Subsystem: SS01        
                                                                    More:     + 
    Exception Rule  . . . . . . . A  (A - Accepted, R - Rejected, B - Both)     
  Rebind Parameters                                                             
    Acquire . . . . . . . . . . . U  (blank, A - Allocate, U - Use)             
    Access Path Compare . . . . .    (blank, W - Warn, E - Error, N - None)     
    Access Path Reuse . . . . . .    (blank, W - Warn, E - Error, N - None)     
    Access Path Retain Duplicate     (blank, Y - Yes, N - No)                   
    Business Time Sensitive . . .    (blank, Y - Yes, N - No)                   
    Cachesize . . . . . . . . . .       (blank, 0-4096)                         
    Concurrent Access Resolution     (blank,                                    
                                      U - Use Currently Committed,              
                                      W - Wait for Outcome)                     
    Currentdata . . . . . . . . . Y  (blank, Y - Yes, N - No)                   
    Database Connect Protocol . . D  (blank, D - DRDA, P - Private)             
    Defer Prepare . . . . . . . . N  (blank, Y - Yes, N - No)                   
    Degree  . . . . . . . . . . . 1  (blank, A - Any, 1 - 1)                    
    Deplevel  . . . . . . . . . .    (blank, P - Package, S - Statement)        
    Disconnect  . . . . . . . . . E  (blank,                                    
                                      A - Automatic,                            
                                      C - Conditional,                          
                                      E - Explicit)                             
    Dynamic Rules . . . . . . . . R  (blank,                                    
                                      B - Bind,                                 
                                      D - Define Bind,                          
                                      F - Define Run,                           
                                      I - Invoke Bind,                          
                                      O - Invoke Run,                           
                                      R - Run)                                  


  1. Set the Exception Rule field.
  2. Set other fields on the panel as desired.
    Refer to the help panel for detailed information about the fields on this panel.