Loading and unloading profiles in batch

Several batch jobs are provided that allow you to unload profiles. The unloaded profiles can then be loaded onto the same Db2 subsystem or another Db2 subsystem with the same or different creator.

You can export and import profiles using a Tools Customizer task. For more information, see Task: Export and import profiles.

Alternatively, you can copy and modify JCL from the Db2 Automation Expert sample library. The JCL for the export and import jobs is provided in dajhilvl.SDAJSAMP. Detailed instructions for editing the JCL are included in the JCL comments in the members. The members are as follows:

  • DAJPROFE: This job unloads all types of profiles -- object, utility, exception, and job profiles -- to a data set. This utility is useful for porting profiles from one Db2 subsystem to another. You can specify filters by creator ID, profile name, and profile type to export specific profiles.
  • DAJPROFI: This job loads profiles that were exported to a data set by the DAJPROFE job. You can specify new creator names, whether to overwrite existing profiles, and other options.
Note: Do not use these jobs for unloading or loading profiles created in an earlier version of Db2 Automation Expert.

When DAJPROFE and DAJPROFI are run, the shared profile support tables that are unloaded and loaded are:

  • creator_name.PROFILES_V11
  • creator_name.EXCEPTIONS_V11
  • creator_name.JOBS_V11
  • creator_name.JOBS_OPTIONS_V12
  • creator_name.OBJECTS_V11
  • creator_name.UTILITIES_V11
Note: If you receive the message The input Db2 Subsystem ID is invalid; processing terminated, the Db2 subsystem for the load and/or unload has not been defined in the control file.